高考英语写作功能词 一、易于 (一)主要英语对应词及其用法结构 1.动词(incline) incline to/towards sth. 易于… He inclines to carelessness. (他容易粗心大意。) 2.形容词 ( apt, liable, prone, subject, susceptible, inclined, easy) to be apt to do sth. 易于做某事 to be apt to be forgetful/careless/quick-tempered 健忘/总是粗心 大 意/动不动就发脾气 to be liable to do sth. 易于做某事 All men are liable to make mistakes. (人皆易犯错误。) to be liable to sth. 易患/易得… He is liable to malaria. (他易患疟疾。) to be prone to sth. 易于… People are prone to infection after a cut scratch. (人们割伤以后容易感染。) to be prone to do sth. 易于做某事 You are prone to fall asleep on long car journeys. (乘汽车走长路时容易打盹。) to be subject to sth.易患/易得/易受… The boy is subject to colds. (这男孩易得感冒。) to be susceptible to sth. 易受某事物的影响或伤害 He is highly susceptible to flattery. (他听几句好话就忘乎所以。) plants that are no susceptible to disease 不易受病害侵袭的植物 to be susceptible 易受感情影响 He's so susceptible that she easily gained his affection. (他易受感情影响,所以她轻易地就得到了他的爱。) to be inclined to do sth. 易于做某事 The car is inclined to stall when it's cold outside. ( 这辆汽车天冷时容易熄火。) It is an easy place to reach/The place is easy to reach. (那个地方容易到达。) easy game容易受攻击的人或事物;容易吃亏上当的人 3.名词( aptness, proneness, susceptibility, inclination) The aptness of my pen to leak is troubling me. (我的钢笔容易漏水使我颇伤脑筋。) proneness to injury 易受伤的特性 susceptibility to persuasion容易被言词打动的特性 susceptibility to flattery容易听奉承话的特性 The car has an inclination to stall on cold mornings. (这辆汽车在天冷时早晨容易熄火。) Middle-aged men have an inclination to stoutness /to be fat. (中年男人容易发福/发胖。) 4.副词(easily) I can easily finish it tonight. (我今晚可以轻而易举地做完。) (二)常用的相关短语或表达 简便易行 simple and easy to apply 容易出事 accident-prone 易患感冒 to catch cold easily;to be susceptible to colds 易涝地区 areas liable to water-logging 容易闹罢工的行业strike-prone industries 容易学 to be easy to learn 易销货物 marketable goods 平易近人 to be amiable and easy of access 易得易失 easy come, easy go; lightly come, lightly go 易放难收it is easier to indulge in an expensive habit than to get rid of it 易守难攻 easy to hold but hard to attack 易如反掌to be at a hand's turn/as easy as winking 易如反掌的事 the work of a moment;a piece of cake;duck soup 易受骗上当 to be caught with chaff 易于激动/生气 to have a short fuse 二、意味着 (一)主要英语对应词及其用法结构 1.动词(mean, imply, signify, purport, suggest, spell) ①mean 意思是;意指 What does this sentence mean (这句子是什么意思。) The flashing lights mean that the road is blocked. (那闪动的灯光表示此路不通。) Health means everything.(健康就是一切。) I mean business. (我是当真的。) ②imply 意味 His silence implied agreement. (他沉默不语意味着同意了。) The fact(that) Mr. Brown was present here implies a degree of inter ... ...
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