【正面晨读与反面晨检 1】读后续写微写作 动作描写之“眼睛”(一) 【正面晨读】 高级词块 meet sb. 's eyes 接触某人的目光 2. stare into one's eyes 凝视 3. fix/focus one's eyes on 盯着 4. lower/drop one's eyes 垂下眼睛 5. raise/lift one's eyes 抬起眼睛 6. one's eyes shine/sparkle/glisten with excitement 眼里闪着兴奋的光芒 第一步 按要求完成下列句子。 1. 约翰坐在窗边,目光紧盯着一本书。 John sat beside the window, with his eyes fixed/focused on a book . (with复合结构) 2. 他读完书后,抬眼向窗外望去。 When he finished the book, he raised/lifted his eyes and looked out of the window . 3. 他高兴地唱着歌,用天真而又好奇的眼睛注视着周围的一切。 Singing happily, he gazed at the surroundings with innocent and curious eyes . 4. 约翰注意到有个男人靠近,他垂下双眸,结果却迎上了这个男人的目光。 Noticing a man approaching, John first lowered/dropped his eyes only to meet the man's eyes . 5. 当认出来人是谁时,约翰张大了嘴巴,眼里闪着兴奋的光芒。 When he recognised who the visitor was, John opened his mouth wide, his eyes sparkling/shining with excitement . (独立主格) 第二步 将以上各句合并成小短文并背诵,注意使用合适的衔接过渡词汇。 John sat beside the window, with his eyes fixed/focused on a book. When he finished the book, he raised/lifted his eyes and looked out of the window. Singing happily, he gazed at the surroundings with innocent and curious eyes. Noticing a man approaching, John first lowered/dropped his eyes only to meet the man's eyes. When he recognised who the visitor was, John opened his mouth wide, his eyes sparkling/shining with excitement. 【反面晨检】 第一步 按要求完成下列句子。 1. John sat beside the window, _____ _____ _____ _____/_____ ____ __ _____ . (with复合结构) 2. When he finished the book, ____ _____/_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ ____ _____ _____ . 3. Singing happily, he gazed at the surroundings _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ . 4. Noticing a man approaching, John first _____/_____ _____ _____ _____ ____ _____ _____ _____'__ _____ . 5. When he recognised who the visitor was, John opened his mouth wide, _____ _____ _____/_____ _____ _____ . (独立主格) 第二步 将以上各句合并成小短文并背诵,注意使用合适的衔接过渡词汇。 【正面晨读与反面晨检 2】读后续写微写作 动作描写之“眼睛”(二) 【正面晨读】 高级词块 keep an eye on 注视 2. squeeze one's eyes shut 紧闭双眼 3. narrow one's eyes 眯起眼睛 4. turn one's eyes to 转向 5. shut one's eyes 闭上眼睛 6. look sb. straight in the eye 直视某人的眼睛 第一步 按要求完成下列句子。 1. 安妮的父亲眯起眼睛,想知道发生了什么事。 Anne's father narrowed his eyes , wondering what had happened. 2. 听到门把手转动的声音,他向门那边看去。 He turned his eyes to the door when he heard the handle turning. 3. 看到安妮进来,她父亲困惑地上下打量着她。 Eyeing Anne come in, her father eyed her up and down, confused . (eye用作动词,形容词作状语) 4. 尽管她蓝色的眼睛里噙满泪水,却留意着她父亲的神情。 Though her blue eyes were full of tears, she kept an eye on her father's expression. (让步状语从句) 5. 安妮直视父亲的眼睛,告诉 ... ...
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