ID: 22306055

Unit 2 I think that mooncakes are delicious Section B 教学设计(表格式)-2024-2025学年人教版英语九年级全册

日期:2025-03-09 科目:英语 类型:初中教案 查看:50次 大小:494236B 来源:二一课件通
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基本信息 课题:Unit 2 I think that mooncakes are delicious! 课型:阅读课 授课人:黑艳 授课年级:九年级 教学材料:课本,多媒体,黑板 教材解读 本课是人教版九年级全一册第二单元" I think that mooncakes are delicious!- Section B ”的第二课时。本单元的中心话题是“ Talk about the traditional festivals." 本单元 Section B 的阅读主要围绕圣诞节进行展开,通过提问的方式进行教学。 学情分析 九年级的学生在经过七年级和八年级两年的英语学习,已经可以形成自己的思考,也有了一部分的单词积累,但是九年级的学生自制力好、自觉性强、但正处于叛逆期的他们往往会对英语学习失去信心在授课过程中需要教师的引导和鼓励。 教学目标 1.能认读所学单词,如: novel, ghost等。 2.能够理解和正确使用词组如: warn sb not to do sth, warn sb about sth, warn sb of doing sth 3.能够理解文章主要内容 4.理解圣诞节的真谛 教学重难点 四,教学重点与难点 1.教学重点:认读本节课重点词汇以及对文章内容的理解 2.教学难点:对文章主要内容的理解以及圣诞节真谛的感悟 教学过程 step 1:Lead in(3mins) T: Good morning class, how are you today Ss:I am fine thank you, and you T:I am fine too. Before the Class. let's enjoy a song and tell me which festival is it. Ss… T: Ok class, which festival it mainly about S1: Christmas T: Great T: Today we will learn something Christmas, now, talk with your partner and think about these four questions. (time. activity. symbol. story ) S2: December 25th T: December 25th, well down, sit down, please. T: How about the activities S3: eat dinner. get together. get gifts T: clever S4: what’s the symbol of Christmas S5: Santa Claus. gift. Christmas tree T: clever. And the story is Ss: A Christmas Carol T: Good job. Today we will learn something about A Christmas Carol 设计意图:Guide students to enter the learning state as soon as possible Step2: T: Please read the passage quickly and try to find the main idea of each Paragraph. T: How many Paragraphs in this passage ss: Four T: Now, read Paragraph1 carefully and think about these two questions: T: Have you finished Ss: Yes T: Great. what about the first one S2:gifts, Santa Claus and Christmas trees T: Good job! T: How about next question S3: The true meaning of Christmas is the importance of sharing and giving love and joy to people around us. T: Great. T:Please read Paragraph 2 carefully and finish the card T: Ok, let's check the answer together Ss:... T:Please read Paragraph 2 again and think about these questions: T: Have you finished Ss:... T: let’s check it Ss.. T: Now, read Paragraph 3 carefully and finish the chart: T: Now, read Paragraph 4 carefully and think about this question: T: Great 设计意图:Through the guidance of teacher, deepen students' understanding and interest in the article step3: Retelling: Fill in the blanks T: I will invite some students to read it One student only need to read one sentence. S1:... S2:... S3:... ... T: Good job. Now please read it together. ss:... Step3: T: Now, class, let's have a briefly review what we learned in this lesson. This class we have learned… 设计意图:Review and consolidate what we have ... ...

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