必修一Unit 1Teenage LifePeriod 2 Reading and Thinking Compare school life in different places 教学分析 教学目标 By the end of this period,students will be able to: 1.figure out the main structure of the passage by analysing the main idea of each part. 2.identify the useful patterns and expressions about the topic from the reading text. 3.describe the challenges and solutions by using the related vocabulary. 教学重点 1. Analyse the main idea of each paragraph to deepen the understanding of the text. 2.Identify the useful patterns and expressions from the reading text and use them in real situations. 教学难点 1.Enable students to judge the structure of the passage and catch the key information to understand the text. 2.Enable students to voice personal ideas with the help of the target vocabulary. 教学资源 教材、多媒体课件、学案、黑板和粉笔。 教学过程设计 Step I Before reading Activity 1 Free talk Talk about the feelings as a freshman at senior high school. T:Class,you have been a freshman for about one week. What do you think of your senior high school life S1:I feel excited because I have made many friends. S2:I'm a bit worried because I have difficulty in getting used to my homework. Activity 2 Work in groups and discuss the questions 1.What do you want to know about school life in other countries 2. What would you tell a teenager from another country about school life in China (设计意图:导入环节以学生视角来设置问题,从认识自我过渡到了解他人,贴近中学生生活,并且能够邀发他们了解国外同龄人学习和生活的好奇心,为接下来的阅读任务做好铺垫。) Step II While reading Activity 1 Prediction Ask students to predict the main idea of the whole passage by skimming the title. From the title,we can predict the passage is mainly about Suggested answer:the challenges as a freshman and how to deal with the challenges Activity 2 Reading for the main idea 1.Read the text quickly to find the main idea of each paragraph. Paragraph 1:Senior high school is a challenge. Paragraph 2: Paragraph 3: Paragraph 4: 2. Ask students to analyse the structure of the passage by drawing a mind map. Which paragraph is the main part Which paragraphs are the supporting parts (设计意图:此环节旨在引导学生掌握略读这一基本的阅读技能,学生通过浏览题目、关键词、主题句等,快速判断与定位段落关键信息和主题句。根据所概括的段落大意,引导学生完成一张关于语篇结构的思维导图。) Suggested answers: 1. Paragraph 2:Adam had to think very carefully about which courses he wanted to take. Paragraph 3: Adam had to choose extra-curricular activities. Paragraph 4:Adam will have to study harder and get used to being responsible for a lot more. Activity 3 Reading for details 1.Ask students to read Paragraphs 2 to 4 and tell what challenges Adam met as a freshman. Challenge 1: Challenge 2: Challenge 3; 2.Find out the sentences about Adam's solutions to the challenges according to the table. Solution Supporting detail To challenge 1 To challenge 2 To challenge 3 3.Ask students to read the whole passage again a ... ...
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