ID: 22346426

外研版必修三 Unit 5 What an adventure! 背诵积累学案(含答案)

日期:2025-03-10 科目:英语 类型:高中学案 查看:41次 大小:31433B 来源:二一课件通
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外研版必修三 Unit 5 What an adventure! 背诵积累学案 类型 好句记忆 动作 心理 描写 Words are not enough to relate such wonders!那种奇遇是言语无法描述的! I no longer felt the weight of my clothes, or of my shoes, of my air supply, or my thick helmet, inside which my head shook like a nut in its shell. 我再也感觉不到衣服、鞋子、氧气罐和厚重头盔的重量,我的头在头盔中摇来晃去,就像杏仁在它的核中滚动一般。 实用结构 事实陈述 Vasco da Gama was a Portuguese explorer and the first European to reach India by sea. 瓦斯科·达·伽马是一个葡萄牙探险家,也是第一个从海上到达印度的欧洲人。 Christopher Columbus was an Italian explorer who completed journeys between Spain and the Americas, thus marking the beginning of European exploration of the Americas.克里斯托弗·哥伦布是一位意大利探险家,他完成了西班牙和美洲之间的旅程,从而开创了欧洲对美洲的探索。 Recent studies indicate that risk-taking may be part of human nature, with some of us more likely to take risks than others.最近的研究表明,冒险可能是人类天性中的一部分,而一些人比其他人更愿意去冒险。 It is still not known if he succeeded in reaching the top of the mountain before it took his life.目前还不清楚他是否在被夺去生命前成功到达了山顶。 He refers to the personalities of these people as “Type T”, with the “T” standing for “thrill”.他把这些人的人格特征称为“T型人格”,“T”代表“刺激”。 With this in mind, are the benefits of climbing Qomolangma worth the risks 了解这些之后,你认为攀登珠穆朗玛峰带来的好处值得冒险吗? It’s totally up to you.答案完全取决于你自己。 Although regarded as the most dangerous road in the country, it’s also known as the “heavenly road” for its amazing views. 尽管它被视作全国最危险的道路,但因其令人惊叹的景色,它也被称为“天路”。 Above me was the calm surface of the sea.我头顶上是平静的海面。 主题意义 表达观点 What we get from this adventure is just sheer joy. 我们从这次冒险活动中得到的是纯粹的快乐。 We do not live to eat and make money. We eat and make money to be able to enjoy life. That is what life means and what life is for.我们活着不是为了吃饭和赚钱。我们吃饭和赚钱是为了能够享受生活。这才是生活的意义和目标。 It brings into focus what’s important to you.这让你聚焦于对你而言重要的事。 There are a thousand reasons to turn around and only one to keep going.纵使有一千个理由让你回头,但总有一个让你继续前行。 核心语法 Basic sentence structures Last year, hundreds of people spent good money on an experience that they knew would include crowds, discomfort and danger.明知道会是一次拥挤、不舒适而又危险的体验,去年仍有数百人愿意为此花费大价钱。 In 2011, words similar to those of Mallory were spoken by American mountain climber Alan Arnette, who climbed Qomolangma in that year and was going to climb other high mountains around the world. 在2011年,美国登山者艾伦·阿内特曾说过与马洛里类似的话,那年他攀登了珠穆朗玛峰,之后又准备去攀登世界各地其他的高山。 外研版必修三 Unit 5 What an adventure!背诵积累检测 I. 好句重现。 1. . 那种奇遇是言语无法描述的! 2. . 最近的研究表明,冒险可能是人类 ... ...

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