课件网) Explore Peru Unit 2 Travelling around Reading & Thinking Learning Objectives 1. To learn about the four tourist attractions in Peru; 2. To read and tell the differences between an encyclopedia (百科全书)and a travelling brochure(旅游手册); 3. To identify the structures and language features of the text; 4. To introduce your hometown using powerful, expressive and impressive language. What cities and sights are mentioned in the video The Andes Mountains The Amazon Rainforest Cusco City Cusco City Cusco city Machu Picchu Lake Titicaca Where can you find out other information about Peru Video Time What impress you most in the video Text 1 Text 2 skimming [ n sa kl pi d ] n. 百科全书 An encyclopedia entry A travel brochure 1.Look through the two passages quickly and decide whether it is an encyclopedia or a brochure. present only a selection of good points subjective powerful and expressive language vivid pictures and beautiful design Types of text encyclopedia brochure neutral, and objective basic facts simple language brief content Tip: Before you read, look through the text quickly for titles, headers, pictures, charts, design, and any other information that might tell you the type of the text. Skimming 2. What is the author’s intention(目的) of writing the passage To recommend four tourist attractions of Peru Read the text 2 and fill in the table. A Number of days 4 days Transport Accommodation local home Activity boating, hiking, exploring nature Reading Text 2 Read the travel brochure carefully and fill in the table on P27. AMAZON RAINFOREST MACHU PICCHU CUSCO LAKE TITICACA Number of days 4 days Transport Accommo--dation local home Activity 4 days 4 days 4 days in the middle of the forest local hotel Tour Acitivitities Means of transport Amazon Rainforest boating,hiking,exploring nature Machu Picchu Cusco Lake Titicaca flight, boat walking in the mountains,exploring the ancient city visiting themuseums,admiring the architecture,enjoying the local food,and shopping at the local markets car, boat walking enjoying the beautiful countryside,staying with local family natural historical cultural For more brochures about other package tours around Peru, contact us at tourinfo@travelperu.org. Activity 1: Where are the texts from encyclopedia百科全书 or brochure旅游册 Encyclopedia Travel brochure Recognise text type attracting people to visit basic information & facts Encyclopedia 百科全书 Brochure simple language brief content objective description vivid pictures生动的 beautiful design powerful & expressive language Activity 2: Read for basic information Peru is the very country for people who enjoy history and culture or enjoy beautiful scenery to explore. language history geography location land in the 1400s and 1500s from the 16th century to 1821 south America the Amazon rainforest the Andes Mountains was the center of the ancient Inca Empire the coast was ruled by Spain Spa ... ...