ID: 22356117

Unit 3 Food matters第1课时 课件(含音视频)—外研版(2024)七年级下册

日期:2025-03-31 科目:英语 类型:初中素材 查看:44次 大小:245422101B 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Unit 3 Food matters Starting Out (外研版)七年级 下 01 Learning objectives Content 02 Lead-in 03 Look and answer/match 05 06 Search information 07 watch 04 Summary 08 Homework Assessment Learning objectives Learn some core words and expressions of the text; 01 02 Learn about some food. 03 Get to know the signature dishes. Lead -in What food are they How does food make us feel search for information Search for some information about vegetables. What's the use of food Can it be a bridge between culture Look and answer Look at the pictures and answer the questions. Look and match Look at the pictures and match them with the words and expression. Now say what you know about them.Do you know where are they from Look and answer Look at the picture and answer the questions. How many countries are mentioned What are their signature dishes watch Summary 1. Some core words and expressions of the text; 2. Learn about some food. 3. Get to know the signature dishes. Assessment 课堂自评表 问题 是 否 如果为“否”如何改进 你在课堂上能积极主动的回答老师的问题吗? 你能听懂老师的指令进行课堂活动吗? 你能自觉进行自主学习,完成阅读任务吗? 你能与同学们积极合作,互帮互助吗? 你能自己完成写作任务吗? 你对自己在课堂上的表现满意吗? Homework Search some information about the signature dishes around the world. 让备课更有效 Thanks!

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