1 易错点纠错练02 介词 目 录 01 单句语法填空易错题通关练 02 升级强化练 一、用适当的单词完成句子 1.She had managed to pull herself together and, her credit, continued to look upon life as a positive experience. 2.It proves that high-intensity exercise is more suitable the young. 3.A team of performers had participated in the charity campaign. They felt quite content what they had achieved. 4.He was deeply ashamed his behaviour at the party last night. 5.Has your monitor lived up his promise that he would have made it to Peking University 6. the help of our teacher, we finished the whole work ahead of time. 7.If you can be admitted Fudan University, your parents will surely be proud of you. 8.Despite of the seemingly irrational discounts (疯狂折扣) on Nov. 11st, don’t let yourself be persuaded buying things you don’t really want. 9.I eased him his difficulty by telling him what to do. 10.She stared at the girl as if seeing her the first time. 11.A degree in the history of art is very nice but it doesn’t exactly equip you many jobs. 12.Taking on this challenge will bring you in contact someone who shares your interests. 13.One of my friends mistook my sister me yesterday, because we are twins and look very similar. 14.Nowadays, most of the people have access the Internet. 15.As the car approached the town center, several tall buildings came view. 16.Between two people who have nothingcommon, love is impossible. 17.The school reading room usually subscribes a variety of newspapers and magazines. 18.reality,most of the parents pay attention to their children’s education. 19.They want all groups to be treated an equal basis. 20.It was very generous them to share their meal with their out-of-work neighbors. 21.How we read given text depends some extent on our particular interest in reading it. 22.We must strive to make great efforts instead of being content such a small success. 23.The two man walked up the street, arm arm. All of a sudden, the man from the West stopped and released his am. 24.The mother was despair, for she had no money and her child was hungry. 25. (give) these cultural differences, it comes as no surprise that Canada has been celebrating Multiculturalism Day since 2002. 26.The concentration of nitrogen dioxide in Beijing’s air was reduced an average of 20 per cent. 27.Much importance is attached the development of the individual self. 28.Are you capable solving the problem on your own 29.To begin with, we just need to take our books to a fixed place, which is very convenientthe participants. 30.I am writing this letter to recommend myselfa qualified candidate for the job. 31.About Spring Festival, an important tradition in China, people may understand it differently, (include) those from other cultures. 32.They went up the CN Tower and looked the shores of Lake Ontario. 33.It didn’t occur him to ask for help. 34.I’m just getting the kid ready school. 35.Thanks the map, we finally reached the ... ...
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