
冀教版Unit 5 Buying and Selling Lesson 30 A Cookie Sale课课件

日期:2024-06-26 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:72次 大小:161236Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件13张PPT。教学重点: 教学难点:通过学习本课的passage培养学生的助人为乐品质 本课passage的句意的准确理解1. 固定表达在句中的实际运用 2. Elementary school的理解1. What event or activity is most memorable to you from this school term?2. What did you do before helping someone?Think about it!二.译一译1.我很高兴如此多的人喜欢我的饼干. I’m happy that so many people liked my cookies. 2.我不到一小时就卖光了我的饼干. I sold out of my cookies in less than an hour.3.每个人都认为骑自行车时做作业太危险了. Everyone thinks it’s too dangerous to do homework on a bicyle. 4.每年我们学校寄书给村里的另一所学校. Every year our school sends books to another school in a village.5.我认为他们将支持这个观点. I think that they will support the idea.2.Read the second e-mail and answer the questions. 1.How does Li Ming’s school help another school in a village every year? 2.How can they make money this year? 3.Do you think Li Ming’s classmates will support the idea? Why or why not?根据句意用适当的介词填空。 1. They want to raise some money _____ their football team. 2. They sold out _____ their bread in a short time.21·cn·jy·com 3. Li Ming, can you help me _____ my Chinese? 4. Here are some books _____ science. Do you like them? 5. You can send these things _____ Li Hong. for in with on to本课重点1.I’m happy that so many people liked my cookies. I’m+ adj.+ that…是常用的一个句型,that引导的原因状语从句。 其中形容词多是表示情感意义的词,如happy ,sorry ,gland等。 I’m sorry that I didn’t finish the homework on time.2.I sold out of my cookies in less than an hour. sell out of 意为“售空,卖光”。主语往往是人,sell out of 后接被买的东西。 less than 意为“少于,不到”,其反义短语为more than “多于”。3.Good for you! Good for you!意为“你真行!不错”,是祝贺或夸赞某人的常用语,多用于口语中,一般单独成句,前面不加主语。 good for sb. 也可用于第三人称及自我鼓励.homework短语; 课后第一题; 本课配套练习; 完成单元检测.

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