ID: 22374240


日期:2025-02-22 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:32次 大小:2347254B 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) 零冠词及冠词的位置 知识要点 02 03 01 0冠词的用法 冠词的位置 有无冠词的意义区别 one 01 0冠词的用法 冠词 帮助表达特定的 含义和避免歧义 特指 和 泛指 这,那, 这些,那些 指普遍的 人或事物 冠词the 0冠词,a/an 0冠词的用法口诀 球类棋类月份前,三餐四季星期前。 五颜六色称呼前,某些专有名词前。 代词名词所有格,各种名词泛指前。 and整体名词前, by+交通工具前。 某些固定搭配中,各种用法记心中。 球类棋类月份前,三餐四季星期前。 1 2 3 4 5 6 五颜六色称呼前,某些专有名词前。 7 8 9 代词名词所有格,各种名词泛指前。 10 11 12 and整体名词前, by+交通工具前。 13 14 某些固定搭配中,各种用法记心中。 15 排序号! 01 1.球类前不加the (football ,basketball , volleyball ,tennis ,baseball ,golf) I play volleyball everyday. 2.棋类前不加the (chess, checkers, go, Xiang qi) I love to play chess with my grandfather on weekends. 3.月份前不加the (January ,February, July, September, October, November… It is hot in August. 02 03 球类棋类月份前 04 4.三餐前不加the (breakfast, lunch, dinner) She does her homework before dinner everyday. 5.四季前不加the (spring, summer, autumn, winter) Mike likes to make snowman in winter. 6.星期前不加the (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday… IWe go to school from Monday to Friday. 05 06 三餐四季星期前 07 7.颜色前不加the (silver pink, deep red, ivory, olive yellow, purple…) I like apple green and gold. What color did you paint the door 8.称呼前不加the (director, governor, minister, president, architect, boy…) Stay where you are, girl! Mr. Li is chairman of the meeting. 08 五颜六色称呼前 09 9.专有名词前不加the (John Smith, Coca-Cola, World War II, The Great Depression, Oxygen, Mars, earth…) John Smith is my English teacher. Coca-Cola is very popular in the West. I got to know him very well after World War II. Plants absorb oxygen. Mars is too dry and poor in oxygen. 某些专有名词前 10 10.名词前已有代词修饰时不用冠词 I like this picture better. This is my address. Let's keep in touch. I'd like some books about cars and toys. 11.名词前已有所有格形式修饰时不用冠词 Einstein’s theory tomorrow’s weather one day’s journey 代词名词所有格 名词前有指示代词 名词前有物主代词 名词前有不定代词 名词前有所有格形式 11 12 12. 物质名词、抽象名词、专有名词、 不可数名词、复数可数名词表示泛指时其前通常不用冠词 Iron and steel plays an important role in industry. Happiness is a direction, not a place. China is one of the largest countries in the world. Father went to his doctor for advice about his heart problem. Mistakes are often the best teacher. 各种名词泛指前 物质名词表泛指 抽象名词表泛指 专有名词表泛指 不可数名词表泛指 可数名词复数表泛指 13 13. and连接的,由两部分组成一个整体的 名词前不用冠词,但表示两个人或事物是每个名词前都要加冠词。 He raised a black (dog)and white dog. 他养了一只黑狗和一只白狗。 He raised a black and white dog. 他养了一只花狗。 and整体名词 表示一只狗 表示两只不同颜色的狗 14 14. by+交通工具的名词前不用冠词 She goes to work by bike every day. Now many people want to tr ... ...

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