ID: 22388981

Module 10 Unit 1 He was in the kitchen(优课)课件+素材(共50张PPT)

日期:2025-03-09 科目:英语 类型:小学素材 查看:76次 大小:173998136B 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) He was in the kitchen. Module 10 Unit 1 外研版·五年级上册 Let’s sing Look and say (捉迷藏) hide-and-seek He is playing with his family. Where is Tom Let’s chant Let’s learn He is in the …. kitchen bedroom toilet living room Where is Tom Let’s chant I’m in the kitchen. I’m in the bedroom. I’m in the toilet. I’m in the living room. bedroom living room kitchen toilet Let’s say Where did Ms Smart find Tom She found Tom . in the kitchen Let’s say Where did Amy find Tom She found Tom . in the bedoom Let’s say Where did the cat find Tom in the toilet The cat found Tom . Let’s say Where did Mr Smart find Tom in the living room He found Tom . Look and say They’re playing _____. hide-and-seek Let’s know The rules of hide-and-seek 捉迷藏游戏规则: “找人者” 闭着眼睛数数直到其他参与者都隐藏起来,然后努力去寻找藏起来的人。最后被找到的人就是获胜者。 Look and say Who are hiding John, Lingling and Sam. Amy. Who is seeking Watch and answer 1.Who was the first to be found 2.Who was the last to be found (首先,第一) (最后) Let’s watch Watch and answer 1.Who was the first to be found 2.Who was the last to be found (首先,第一) (最后) John lose the game. Sam won the game. Read and answer Where did Amy find John Where did Amy find Lingling Where did Amy find Sam Read and answer Where did Amy find John She found John . in the kitchen Read and answer She found Lingling . in the toilet Where did Amy find Lingling Read and answer She found Sam . in the bedroom Where did Amy find Sam Read and answer found Amy found John first. Then Amy found Lingling. Amy found Sam last. She found him in the kitchen. She found her in the toilet. She found him in the bedroom. Let’s say Is Tom playing with them Yes, it is. No, it isn’t. Let’s say Where is Tom He was . He is hiding . Who won the game Tom won the game. He's the winner. hide win in the living room behind the sofa Let’s say Sam found Tom. He found him behind the sofa. Tom won the game. found Watch and repeat Let’s read Sam: Let’s play hide-and-seek. All: OK. 捉迷藏 Let’s read Amy: Now, where is Sam Oh, there he is! He’s in the bedroom! Sam: I’m the winner. You found me last. 胜利者 他在那儿 最后 好,哦 Let’s read Amy: I found John first. He was in the kitchen. Sam: Where did you find Lingling Amy: I found Lingling in the toilet! All: Ha ha... Let’s read Ms Smart: Is Tom playing with you Amy: No, he isn’t. Ms Smart: Well, where is he Sam: I don’t know. He was in the living room. Let’s read Sam: Look! He is hiding behind the sofa! Amy: I found Tom last. He won the game. All: Ha ha... 躲藏 沙发后面 赢得游戏 Let’s read 在小组内,选择一种喜欢的方式读一读对话。 5. ... 1. Read in roles. (分角色朗读。) 3. Read together. (齐读对话。) 4. Try to retell. (尝试复述课文。) 2. Read after one. (领读对话。) Let’s retell found Amy found John first. Then Amy found Lingling. Amy found Sam last. She found him in the kitchen. She found her in th ... ...

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