ID: 22396507

Unit 8 Follow your interests习题课件(4份打包)沪教版(2024) 七年级下册

日期:2025-02-23 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:54次 大小:1088906B 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Part 4 Viewing 栏目导航 课前导学 课堂探究 课后巩固 仔细读图及图中文字回答问题。 课前导学 建议用时:10~15分钟   实际用时:  分钟 (Source: Leeds Beckett University, 2019) 1.What are the top three jobs that British children prefer according to the survey in 2019     Teacher, vet and doctor. (Source: JOBLIST conducted the survey among 810 working people) 2.As children are growing up, how does parents’ influence on job selection change   . . As children grow older, the influence from parents on job selection becomes stronger. (Source: Trade schools surveyed over 2,000 people in 2020) 3.How many percent of people in the survey confess that they’ve achieved dream jobs in childhood     4.Who will have higher job satisfaction   . . 21.94%. People who ended up in the job they dreamed of in childhood. (1)我读图时能够图文结合。 (2)我能够对柱状图的数据进行解析。 (3)我对职业规划和职业选择有了一定了解。 Dr Jane Goodall is sharing the experience of fulfilling her childhood dream.Please watch the interview and get some inspirations about career exploration. 一、第一次观看抓主要观点 1.What did Dr Jane love when she was a little girl     2.When did Dr Jane start the chimp work     3.Does she believe that we still have time to save our planet     课堂探究 建议用时:15~20分钟   实际用时:  分钟 Animals. In 1960. She is not sure. 二、第二次观看抓重要细节 1.When Jane was 10, what did she decide to do after growing up   . . 2.What did Jane’s mother tell her after knowing her dreams   . . She decided to go to Africa and live with animals and write books about them. Her mother told her to work hard, take advantage of every opportunity but not to give up.  3.Why did Jane bring scientists from seven field sites across Africa to study chimps   . . It aimed to discuss how chimp behaviour was the same or different in the different environments. 4.Why did she become an activist after studying chimpanzees   . . She realized chimpanzee habitats were being destroyed, and chimpanzee numbers were declining in Africa. 5.According to Jane, what should humans do to slow down the climate crisis (1)    (2)    (3)    . Empower the young people and let them make some changes. Use human’s intellect to come up with solutions. Trust the resilience of nature./ Give nature time to recover. 三、第三次观看补全细节 Thinking: After watching Dr Jane’s story of pursuing dreams, what qualities do you think are important for making childhood dream come true 答案:略 (1)我在观看视频前自主阅读任务要求。 (2)我能利用三次观看机会完成三个层次的任务。 (3)我能够边听边记,记住信息大意。 (4)我能够在观看后进一步深度思考该话题。 课后巩固 1.Look at the “career map”.Which stage are you in now 建议用时:15~20分钟   实际用时:  分钟 2.Reflecting on yourself,where do your interests lie in And who has influenced your career exploration 答案:略 (1)我能够积极思考“职业理想”这个问题。 (2)我能够综合学习内容形成对这个问 ... ...

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