ID: 22398889

Unit 10 You're supposed to shake hands.单元话题阅读理解(含答案+解析) -2024-2025学年九年级英语下册单元重难点高频易错题专练(人教版)

日期:2025-03-09 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:79次 大小:67299B 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 10 You're supposed to shake hands. 单元话题阅读理解 一、阅读理解 Read the passage and choose the best answers. I moved to the Spanish capital, Madrid, nearly two months ago. I am here for a year teaching English in a secondary school as a language assistant. Before I arrived, I thought I would be able to adapt to Spanish culture very easily, but my previous(先前的)expectations have been very different from the reality. Firstly, I didn't realise how difficult it would be to adapt to the Spanish day and the timings of meals. Spanish "midday" is at 14:00, meaning lunch is never before then. My expectation was that I'd be eating lunch at 12:00-13:00, but most days it's 15:30 before I eat lunch. Can I really still call this lunch ! It is the same with dinner or tea. In the UK I eat dinner between 18:00 and 19:00, but now my dinner time is 21:30. The thing I didn't realise is that this affects the Spanish sleeping routine. Eating dinner so late of course means going to bed so much later. It's such a British thing to go to bed at 22:00! Also, because everything happens later in Spain, the evening socialising time, is very late! Most British night clubs, for example, close at 02:00 or 03:00, but here the party is only just starting at 02:00! This is something else that has really surprised me. Queuing politely and being careful around strangers is also something that is very British, something that I only realised when I arrived in Spain. I took it for granted that queuing patiently is the norm, but this isn't the case in Spain. If there's a free table in a restaurant, you quickly take it, even if other people have been waiting longer than you. Moreover, the metro is one big pushing affair. However, the lack of "British politeness" isn't all bad, as it reflects how Spaniards aren't shy in public; being friendly and talking to someone you've never met before is considered normal and is encouraged. Perhaps we'd say that the etiquette of politely queuing in Britain is connected with a culture where interacting(互动)with people you don't know is less common. Finally, the reality of the Spanish diet is very different from my expectations. I never imagined I'd get so many comments and questions from my flatmates about what I'm eating! Yesterday I made a piece of peanut butter on toast, and my flatmate said that this is such a British thing. It's the same with drinking tea. Food products that are so normal in the UK aren't nearly as popular here. 1.The writer went to Madrid to____. A.teach English Spanish C.visit a friend the culture 2.Paragraph 2 &3 talk about____. A.the dinner time B.the sleeping time C.the daily routine D.the social activities 3.It is____for the Spanish to talk with strangers in public. A.common B.impolite C.possible D.crazy 4.The passage mainly talks about____. A.a country with great cultures B.difficulties in living in Spain C.the differences between Britain and Spain D.expectations vs. reality for ... ...

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