高考单词WXYZ(解析版) 目录 高考单词WXY 1 高考单词Z 27 高考核心词汇与练习--XYZ 29 高考单词WXY wing [w ] n. 翅膀;翼 【真句】She was covered in spider-webs (蛛网) and was barely able to move her wings.【2023.1浙江卷】她身上覆盖着蜘蛛网,翅膀几乎不能动。 【真句】The first dish Oliver prepared for his family was fried chicken wings. 【2020北京卷】奥利弗为家人准备的第一道菜是炸鸡翅。 【真句】It’s true, the older I get, the more I feel time has wings.【2020全国】这是真的,我越老,我越觉得时间有翅膀。 worm [w m] n. 软体虫,蠕虫(尤指蚯蚓) 【真句】Plastic-Eating Worms【2018北京】吃塑料的蠕虫 wire [ wa (r)] n. 电线 【真句】wireless technology 【2015北京】无线技术 wag [w g] v. 摇摆 Dogs wag their tails in different directions depending on whether they are excited.【2015福建阅读】狗朝不同的方向摇晃尾巴取决于他们是否兴奋。 wander ['w nd (r)] vi. 漫步 【真句】One day,while driving near her home,she saw a dog wandering on the road, clearly lost.【2022.1浙江卷】一天,她开车靠近家,看到一只狗在路上徘徊,显然迷路了。 【真句】We will wander in traditional small towns...【2020全国】我们将在传统的小城镇闲逛...... 【助记】体现了l和n的通假关系。 wage [we d ] n.(按日,小时,周领取的)薪水 【真句】But a larger part of my pride was based on the fact that I gave half my wages to my mother...【2019.6上海】但我的大部分骄傲是基于我把我一半的工资给了我的母亲... 【真句】But holidays are expensive and, for those on low wage s or living on benefits,they are often unobtainable.【2012福建阅读】假期是昂贵的,并且对于那些依靠低薪水和救济金的人来说,假期是很难获得的。 waist [we st] n. 腰部 【真句】Then, with one end of a rope tied to his waist and the other end around the trunk of a tree...【2023.浙江卷】然后,把绳子的一端绑在腰上,另一端绑在树干上... wait [we t] v. n. 等,等候 【真句】That cold Monday morning, he waited a long, long while for adults to show up.【2022北京卷】那个寒冷的星期一早晨,他等了很长时间等待成年人出现。 【真句】So wherever your next wait may be: Good luck.【2021年1月浙江卷】所以无论你的下一个等待是什么:祝你好运。 【真句】I knew that my Parents had to wait for quite a long time before their small investment could show returns.【2015陕西阅读】我知道父母必须要等很长的时间他们的投资才能获得回报。 短语: wait for…等待…… 【真句】He has to wait for a call.【2015湖南】他不得不等待电话。 【真句】He had to wait for the right moment to go back up.【2023.1浙江卷】他不得不等待合适的时机再回去。 【真句】He must have been waiting there for quite a while!【2022北京卷】他一定已经在那儿等了很久了! can’t wait to do sth 迫不及待做某事 【真句】We can’t wait to hear from you.【2015江西阅读】我们迫不及待地收到你的来信。 waiter [ we t ] n. 男服务员 【真句】A waiter's job, for example, that requires multitasking, teamwork and decision-making could be just as stimulating as any high-level office work.【2020.7浙江】例如,服务员的工作需要多任务处理、团队合作和决策,这可能与任何高级办公室工作一样令人兴奋。 waiting room n. 候车室 【真句】One morning, I was waiting at the ... ...
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