ID: 22420350


日期:2025-03-09 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:57次 大小:22992B 来源:二一课件通
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2025中考作文预测--"环境保护"为主题: 1.常用单词短语总结 环境保护类: environmental protection(环境保护);environmental conservation(环境保护); ecological protection(生态保护) 节约能源类: save energy(节约能源); energy conservation(能源节约); reduce energy consumption(减少能源消耗) 减少污染类: reduce pollution(减少污染); cut down pollution(降低污染,cut down 有削减、降低的意思 ); combat pollution(与污染作斗争,combat 更强调对抗的意味 ) 资源利用类: recycle resources(回收资源); reuse materials(重复使用材料); make full use of resources(充分利用资源) 绿色行动类: green travel(绿色出行); plant trees(植树); go green(践行绿色生活方式,较为口语化) 意识相关类: raise environmental awareness(提高环保意识); enhance people's awareness of environmental protection(增强人们的环保意识 ) 2.重点句型: 1. It is vital that... (虚拟语气) 2. Not only...but also... (倒装结构) 3. With the development of..., ...has become increasingly... 4. There is no doubt that... 5. Only by...can we... (倒装结构) 表达重要性: It is of great significance to protect the environment.(保护环境意义重大。) Protecting the environment plays a vital role in our daily life. (保护环境在我们日常生活中起着至关重要的作用。) 提出建议: We should take immediate action to protect our environment.(我们应该立即采取行动保护环境。) It's high time that we took some measures to deal with the environmental problems. (该是我们采取措施解决环境问题的时候了。) We are supposed to separate waste into different categories for recycling. (我们应该将垃圾分类以便回收利用。) 阐述影响: The environmental pollution has a negative impact on our health. (环境污染对我们的健康有负面影响。) If we don't take steps to protect the environment, our planet will be in great danger. (如果我们不采取措施保护环境,我们的星球将处于巨大的危险之中。) 号召行动: Let's work together to make our earth a better place to live. (让我们共同努力,使我们的地球成为一个更美好的居住之地。) Everyone should do their part in environmental protection. (每个人都应该在环境保护中尽自己的一份力。) 3.分级范文: 基础版(110词): Protecting Our Environment Environmental protection is very important. Many people throw rubbish everywhere. This makes our earth dirty. We should take action now. First, we can sort garbage. Second, we should save water and electricity. Third, planting more trees is helpful. If everyone does small things, our environment will become better. Let's work together to protect our home! 进阶版(135词): Environmental Protection in Daily Life With the development of industry, environmental problems have become increasingly serious. It is vital that every citizen take concrete measures to protect our planet. We can start with small actions: turning off lights when leaving rooms, carrying reusable shopping bags, and using public transportation. Schools should raise students' environmental awareness through themed activities. Remember, not only governments but also individuals pla ... ...

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