课件网) VERBS OR NOUNS To identify noun/verbs of the same root and use them in context. Is it a verb or a noun cycle There are many verbs in English that come from nouns and vice versa. In the 1960s, a group of cycling fans came up with an idea. the name of an object / a thing an action / to do things She placed the letter in front of me. Leave the bike in place where you finish your journey. Verbs or Nouns an action an object / a thing a the name of an object / a thing b an action / to do things 2. …computer tracking system to record its every move! please move it to a proper parking place. 3. Andrew pedalled up the road towards the town centre. He stood up on the pedals of his bike to get extra power as he cycled up the hill. an action an object / a thing an action an object / a thing a the name of an object / a thing b an action / to do things Look at the Word pare the two sentences in each pair. Decide what the word in red expresses. a the name of an object / a thing b an action / to do things Word Builder Verbs or Nouns 1 The group painted hundreds of bicycles white… ( ) I need a can of red paint. ( ) 2 Make sure you put your schoolbag in a proper place. ( ) …placed them in may areas… ( ) b a a b Word Builder Verbs or Nouns 3 …this time with a computer tracking system to record their very move! ( ) Try to keep a record of what you have learnt. ( ) 4 Nowadays, the idea of “white bikes” has pedalled its way around the world… ( ) Both pedals of my bicycle were broken. ( ) b a b a a the name of an object / a thing b an action / to do things place paint move pedal record n. v. What other similar words do you know doubt, laugh, walk, answer, stop… Compete the sentences with the correct form of the words from Activity 8. 1 Jason _____ down the road to his school. She put her foot down on the _____. 2 The house will look bright with white _____. The old man asked, “Who _____ all these on my wall ” 3 You should wash your cup and _____ it on the table. This is a great _____ for a holiday. 4 I try to keep a _____ of everything I spend. Her mum made her _____ every penny she spent. pedals/pedalled pedal paint painted place place record record 转化法是指将一种词性用作另一种词性而词形不变。转化后的意义往往与之前的意义联系密切。常见的转化形式有三种:动词→名词,名词→动词,形容词→名词。 转化法 1. 由动词转化为名词 表示状态,如:dislike, doubt, smell, taste。 表示行动,如:walk, laugh, fall, attempt, swim。 表示动作的宾语,如:drink 饮料, find发现, answer。 表示动作的工具,如: cure药剂,cover封面,wrap包装材料。 表示动作的地点,如:stop站点。 2. 由名词转化为动词 表示“产生”,如:snow下雪,rain下雨。 表示“变为”,如:group 分组,clone。 表示“放进”,如:box把……装入箱子,bottle把……装入瓶中,floor给……铺地板。 表示“除去”,如:peel削皮,skin剥皮,weed除草。 表示“使用工具”,如:comb梳理,hammer捶打,hand交付。 表示“方式”,如:ship船运,mail邮寄。 Your English friend Tom is asking a ... ...