课件网) Stage and Screen Book2 Unit4 Look at the pictures of two performances. Lead-in Orchestra (管弦乐队) Costumes and masks (服装和脸谱) Stage set (舞台布景) Performers’ movements (演员的动作) What are the differences and similarities between the two performances Western Opera Beijing Opera What are the differences and similarities between the two performances Enjoy a video and answer the question Lead-in Western Opera Beijing Opera similarities: both of them are forms of arts have a long history are performed on stage Western opera in western opera, everything is sung instead of being spoken performance arts: acting, scenery, costume, dance or ballet. the orchestra is in front of the stage but lower down, in the orchestra pit. What do you know about Hamlet Hamlet is a tragedy(悲剧) written by William Shakespeare. Look at the title of this passage and predict what the passage is mainly about Look and Predict 丹麦王子哈姆雷特在德国威登堡大学就读时突然接到父亲的死讯,回国奔丧时接连遇到了叔父克劳狄斯即位和叔父与母亲乔特鲁德在父亲葬礼后一个月匆忙结婚的一连串事变,这使哈姆雷特充满了疑惑和不满。 紧接着,在霍拉旭和勃那多站岗时出现了父亲老哈姆雷特的鬼魂,说明自己是被克劳狄斯毒死并要求哈姆雷特为自己复仇。随后,哈姆雷特利用装疯掩护自己并通过"戏中戏"证实了自己的叔父的确是杀父仇人。 由于错误地杀死了心爱的奥菲莉亚的父亲波罗涅斯,克劳狄斯试图借英王手除掉哈姆雷特,但哈姆雷特趁机逃回丹麦,却得知奥菲莉亚自杀并不得不接受了与其兄雷欧提斯的决斗。 决斗中哈姆雷特的母亲乔特鲁德因误喝克劳狄斯为哈姆雷特准备的毒酒而中毒死去,哈姆雷特和雷欧提斯也双双中了毒剑,得知中毒原委的哈姆雷特在临死前杀死了克劳狄斯并嘱托朋友霍拉旭将自己的故事告诉后来人。 Hamlet is a tragedy(悲剧) written by William Shakespeare. Task 1:Skim the passage and answer the question. Fast reading What's the genre of the passage A. Exposition(说明文) B. Narration(记叙文) C. Argument/persuasion(议论文) Task 2. Match the main idea with each paragraph. Para. 1 Para. 2 Para. 3 Para. 4 Para. 5 A. The writer experienced Peking Opera. B. The writer was familiar with Shakespeare’s Hamlet. C. The writer was attracted by Peking Opera. D. The history of Peking Opera. E. The writer’s favorite part of the show. The structure of the text Part Ⅰ Para. _____ Part Ⅱ Para. _____ Part Ⅲ Para. _____ time order Before the performance During the performance After the performance 1-2 3-4 5 Q1:What did the author think of Hamlet before the Peking Opera came to town He was full of confidence. Q2: Why produce v. 生产;制造;拍摄 production n. 生产;产量; (电影、戏剧等)播出,上映 He thought he knew a lot about Hamlet. Careful reading Careful reading Why did the writer go to see The Revenge of Prince Zidan A.To make sure Peking Opera has a long history. B.To confirm that Peking Opera is easier to understand. C.To enjoy the Peking Opera version of Hamlet. D.To find out the differences between Hamlet and its Peking Opera version. √ 2.Why does the author say the ope ... ...