
Unit 1 Do you want to watch a game show Section A 过关测试题

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:65次 大小:17166Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 1 Do you want to watch a game show Section A 过关测试题 一、翻译(单词短语翻译)(共24小题;共24分) 1. sitcom(=situation comedy) 2. comedy 3. 新闻节目,新闻 4. 介意,对(某事)烦恼 5. stand 6. 教育的,有教育意义的 7. 打算,计划 8. hope 9. discussion 10. 发生;出现 11. 预料;期待 12. joke 13. 查明;弄清 14. can't stand 15. 肥皂剧 16. have a discussion 17. 访谈节目 18. expect to do sth. 19. 打算做某事 20. learn...from... 21. 体育节口 22. a TV reporter 23. 看电影 24. game show 二、翻译(根据中文提示完成句子)(共9小题;共9分) 25. 你为什一么喜欢看我是歌手? you like watching I Am a Singer 26. 李斌打算2016年和他的朋友去西藏度假。 Li Bin to Tibet for vacation with his friends in 2016. 27. 我不能忍受和他一起分享一切。 I everything with him. 28. 李易峰不介意和他的粉丝合影。 Li Yifeng photos with his fans. 29. 刘杰期待成为像林书豪一样的运动员。 Liu Jie a player like Jeremy Lin. 30. -- 你认为肥皂剧怎么样? -- 我不喜欢它们。 -- do you soap operas -- I them. 31. 今晚他想看什么? he want tonight 32. 我们从情景喜剧中可以学到一些很棒的笑话。 We can some great sitcoms. 33. 我喜欢跟着故事去看下面会发生什么。 I like to the story and what next. 三、单词拼写(单句首字母填空)(共5小题;共5分) 34. I h that the children in the poor area can get many people's help. 35. -- What do you want to buy -- I p to buy this computer, but I don't have enough money. 36. -- M I go out with my friends, Mum -- Of course. But you should do your homework first. 37. Do you know the n about The Voice of China now 38. I think this show is more e than that one. It's good for studying. 四、单项选择(共10小题;共10分) 39. The driver wanted his car near the roadside but was asked by the police not to. A. park B. parked C. to park D. parking 40. -- Do you think our class will beat Class 4 on December 20, 2015 -- Yes, we have better players, and I us to win. A. hope B. except C. expect D. prefer 41. Many fans hope their idol(偶像) Jiro Wang (汪东城) at the end of the year 2015. A. see B. seeing C. to see D. sees 42. -- What do you My Love From the Star -- Pretty good. It is popular with many people. A. care for B. hear about C. think of D. find out 43. -- Do you have any plans for this weekend -- I'm not sure. I go climbing Mount Tai. A. must B. need C. may D. have to 44. You are lucky! I can help you when Lee MinHo will arrive in Shanghai. A. look out B. get out C. find out D. work out 45. -- does your cousin usually go to work on foot -- He says it's good for his health. A. Where B. When C. Why D. How 46. -- The picnic is only in three days. Have you made any -- Not yet. So let's discuss what to prepare. A. wishes B. plans C. mistakes D. friends 47. He to improve his English level. A. realizes B. experiences C. practices D. hopes 48. The sweater is very nice, I don't like it. A. and B. but C. or D. so 五、适当形式填空(单句适当形式)(共10小题;共10分) 49. Do they want (watch) the game shows with us tonight 50. -- Why do you like this TV program -- Because it is very (education). 51. Many b ... ...

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