ID: 22452383


日期:2025-03-09 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:10次 大小:1801055B 来源:二一课件通
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石景山区2024-2025学年第一学期五年级期末试卷 英语 学校 姓名 准考证号 本试共8页,共11道大恩.71进小图,满分100分。岁试时向80分钟。 生 2.在谷因卡上准确镇写学校名称、姓名和准证号。 3.试图答案一你书写在答盟卡上,诗用瓜色字迹签字笔作答、在试卷上作答无 须 效。 知 4.试伤束,请将木试卷和容卡一并交回。 第一部分基础知识与阅读理解 、 根铝每组单词的类别,从方框中选择同类词,将标号写在括号中。(共0分,每小愿2 分) 人science B.west D.juice 1.( ) milk shake water tea 2.() calligraphy mats Chinese 3.( )enst south north 4.( )ugby Lennis baseball 5.(subway train bus 二、吾田陕短诏,找出与短语内容相符的田片,将标号填在括号内。(共10分,每小题1分) A.keep birds B.clean the windows C.go skiing racing E.throw beanbags the gin box ice hockey H.wash her socks I.use the computer the caroons 6.( ) 7.( 8.( 9.( 10.( 五年级英语试老知1贝(共B吹) 四、哥单问。读句子,把和句子意思相符的单词响的标号,填写在亚恬号里。(共10 分,每小恩2分) A.the Mid Aurumn Festival B.breakfast C.doout D.crayons E.supermarket )26.It's a kind of round cake with a hole in the middle. )27.Children can draw a picture with them )28.This is a festival.It's in the cighth month in the Chinese calendar. )29.It's a place that we can buy,vegctables nnd other things. )30.It's the first meal of a day.You ent it in the moming. 五、机报句意进择恰当答案,将其序号填入括号内。(共5分,每小短1分) ()3l.Ne cat2 ongzi on_ A.the Dragon Boat Festival B.the Lanter Festival )32.You should water the plants.Bccausc they arc very A.dirty B.dry )33.I love China.It's our A.copitnl B.motherland )34.It's a kind of sport that people do it in winter on ice.It is A.gkating B.swimming )35.After school,you to finish your bomework first. A.need B.nccdn't 六、使对话,选择句子,将正确选项前的标号填在横战上。(共10分,每小题2分) A.I water the plants and wash my socks. B.I like science fiction best. C.I have a new book Around the WVorld in Eighty Days. D.Do you often tidy your room E.Would you like to come to my house Lucy:Hello,Pcter 36 Amily:Sorry I can't I must tidy my room. Lucy:Oh,really 37 Amily:Yes.I often tidy my room on Sundnys.How abour you Lucy:Me too.38 Amily:You are really a good girl.I can go to your house at four o'clock. 五年级英还试北第1页(共8页)

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