中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 Unit 2 I'll help to clean up the city parks. Section B 1a-1e 导学案 班级: 姓名: 科目: 授课教师: 学习目标 1. 通过观看视频和图片,能够正确地回答问题和完成句子,能够正确地谈论志愿活动的,能够用本课重点短语动词完成句子;通过完成1a/1b,能够正确地匹配同义句子,能够用短语动词造句子。2.通过看1c的图片,能正确回答问题,预测图片的顺序,为听力练习做好热身; 通过听力练习,能够正确地完成图片排序,听力句子判断正误和听力填空;能够说出自行车男孩Jimmy的修理自行车无偿捐赠他人助人为乐的故事。3.通过跟录音度对话,能够借助图片和关键词复述课文,在小组活动中运用所学词组和could,to do帮助解决Jimmy的问题并讨论自己能参加的志愿活动。通过Jimmy的故事,引领学生热爱生活,乐于助人。 学习重难点 重点:短语动词以及其同义表达的学习;听说技能的训练。 难点:学会使用动词不定式结构和相关短语动词来表述自己的能力和优势,以及为他人提供帮助和服务的想法 自学指导 自学检测及课堂展示 课前预习 情景导入 I.Enjoy a video and answer the questions.1.Who is the video talking about 2.What volunteer work can we do II.How could we offer help in daily life at school -- We could …-- How could we offer help in daily life at home -- We could …-- How could we offer help in daily life in the community -- We could …III.Fill in the blanks according to the pictures and the Chinese. IV.Enjoy a video and answer the questions.1. What’s your feeling after watching the video 2.Do you like to help others Give an example.V.Look and tick. 听前活动 I.1a.Match the sentences with similar meanings.____ 1. I’ve run out of it. a. I repaired it.____ 2. I take after my mother. b. I don’t have any more of it.____ 3. I fixed it up. c. I’m similar to her.____ 4. I gave it away. d. I didn’t keep it.II.1b.Match the phrasal verbs with the nouns. Then make sentences with the phrases. III.For the second part, Scott is going to talk with a Bike Boy called Jimmy.Why does Scott call him Bike Boy Look at the pictures and answer the questions. 听中活动 I.1c. Listen and number the pictures [1-4] in the correct order. II II.1d. Listen again. Circle T for true or F for false.III.Please listen and fill in the blanks. 听后活动 I.Listen and repeat.II. Fill in the blanks. Then share Jimmy's story with your deskmates! III. Retell the passage according to the pictures.IV.1e.Role-play a conversation between Jimmy and the reporter.Use the information in 1c and 1d. 略V.Thinking and answer:1.What do you think of Jimmy 2.What can we learn from Jimmy VI.Let’s discuss the question in groups.Jimmy has run out of money and he can’t buy any more old bikes. And he wants more people can join him. Can you come up with some ways to help him VII.Watch a video. Offer help to the others if possible.VIII.Look and say.略IX.Language points。略XI.Summary. 略 课堂练习 一、汉译英吉米长得像他的爸爸。Jimmy _____ _____his father.2. 我已经把钱花光了。I’ve _____ _____ _____the money.3. 爸爸正在修理我的坏自行车。My father is _____ _____my _____bike.4. 我把我的旧衣服捐给了一个儿童之家。I _____ _____my old clothes to a children’s home.5 ... ...
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