ID: 22461628

2025高考英语二轮复习 语法填空专练 外研版(含答案与解析)

日期:2025-03-09 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:20次 大小:1278436B 来源:二一课件通
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2025年高三二轮语法填空专练 1 Being an extraordinary woman, genius, gentle Marie Curie managed 1 (obtain) two kinds of radioactive elements, which were vital and crucial to physics. 2 was widely acknowledged that she was born in Poland in 1867. Distinet from other girls, she had a strong passion 3 science and committed her whole life to 4 (science) research. After 5 (graduate) from high school, she took up a position as a tutor. In 1891, she 6 (admit) into the University of Paris, where she achieved great academic performances and as a 7 (consequent), she became the first woman professor. Under unbearable circumstances, she and her husband spared no effort to analyse and evaluate pitchblende (沥青铀矿) with the objective of extracting radioactive substances and studying their properties. Although they encountered numerous failures, under no circumstances 8 the couple acknowledge defeat and they insisted on their ambition. Using flow charts and summing up what they had studied, the couple 9 (final) drew a conclusion that Po and Ra did exist, which was soon spread throughout the world. Their theory, like other 10 (product) and devices, could stand wear and tear. In 1934, Marie Curie passed away and the whole world mourned the great loss of a remarkable scientist. 2 For thousands of years, people have told fables (寓言) 11 (teach) a lesson or to pass on wisdom. Fables were part of the oral tradition of many early cultures, and the well-known Aesop’s fables date to the 12 (six) century, B.C. Yet, the form of the fable still has values today, 13 Rachel Carson says in “A Fable for Tomorrow.” Carson uses a simple, direct style common to fable. In fact, her style and tone (口吻) are seemingly directed at children. “There was once a town in the heart of America, 14 all life seemed to enjoy peaceful existence with its surroundings,” her fable begins, 15 (borrow) some familiar words from many age-old fables. Behind the simple style, however, is a serious message 16 (intend) for everyone. 17 (difference) from traditional fables, Carson’s story ends with an accusation instead of a moral. She warns of the environmental dangers facing society, and she teaches that people must take responsibility 18 saving their environment. The themes of traditional fables often deal with simple truths about everyday life. However, Carson’s theme is a more weighty 19 (warn) about environmental destruction. Carson proves that a simple literal form that has been passed down through the ages can still 20 (employ) today to draw attention to important truths. 3 Whenever I tell people that I teach English at the Berlin Zoo, I almost always get a questioning look. Behind it, the person is trying to figure out who exactly I teach…the animals Since June 2017, right before the 21 (arrive) of the two new pandas, Meng Meng and Jiao Qing, I have been helping the panda keepers at the zoo to feel more comfortable and 22 (confidence) speaking English. And who do they speak English 23 ... ...

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