Unit 8 核心词汇学与练 Unit 8 Vocabulary Exercises 先学习 Part 1: Word Bank Unit 8 Vocabulary List upon / p n/ - 在……上 once upon a time - 从前 bite /ba t/ - 咬 bite through - 咬穿 net /net/ - 网 hunter / h nt (r)/ - 猎人 promise / pr m s/ - 承诺 long ago - 很久以前 war /w (r)/ - 战争 neighbour / ne b (r)/ - 邻居 wise /wa z/ - 明智的 emperor / emp r (r)/ - 皇帝 lie /la / - 谎言 pretend /pr tend/ - 假装 official / f l/ - 官员 silly / s li/ - 愚蠢的 decide /d sa d/ - 决定 praise /pre z/ - 赞美 afraid / fre d/ - 害怕的 suddenly / s d nli/ - 突然地 all over - 到处 ugly / ɡli/ - 丑陋的 duckling / d kl / - 小鸭子 real /r l/ - 真的 laugh at - 嘲笑 go away - 走开 search /s t / - 寻找 hen /hen/ - 母鸡 hopefully / h pf li/ - 有希望地 purr /p (r)/ - 猫的呼噜声 lay /le / - 下蛋 swan /sw n/ - 天鹅 feather / fe (r)/ - 羽毛 to sb's surprise - 令某人惊讶的是 size /sa z/ - 尺寸 believe /b li v/ - 相信 only if - 只有 fisherman / f m n/ - 渔夫 fishing / f / - 钓鱼 come out - 出现 助学短文 (读文章,结合语境,写出加粗词汇含义) Once upon a time, there was an emperor who ruled a kingdom. Long ago, his neighbour started a war to steal land. The emperor felt afraid, but a wise old man said: "Let’s pretend to surrender and set a trap!" They asked a hunter to spread a net near the enemy camp. Suddenly, the enemy soldiers tried to bite through the ropes, but the hunter caught them. The emperor praised the old man: "You saved our kingdom!" However, a silly official told a lie about the victory. The emperor then decided to only trust those who kept their promises. 二、再练习 Unit 8 Time & Memory Target Vocabulary: ancient, emperor, war, net, praise, hunter, bite, official, afraid, pretend, suddenly, wise, memory, forget, remind, calendar, century, historical, event, tradition Part 1: Basic Consolidation Task 1: Timeline Sorting Arrange words by time: century → _____ → _____ → ancient Task 2: Antonym Challenge Find opposites: praise _____ wise _____ remember _____ Task 3: Historical Match Connect: emperor _____ (net/war) hunter _____ (bite/pretend) Part 2: Contextual Application Task 4: Folktale Rewrite Modernize the story using: "The _____ emperor declared _____. A _____ hunter _____ to support him." Task 5: Memory Experiment Design a test using remember, forget, remind: "Show 10 objects for 2 minutes. After 5 minutes, ask participants to _____ them. _____ them with hints if they _____." Task 6: Artifact Description Describe an ancient net using 3 adjectives Part 3: Comprehensive Extension Task 7: Cultural Comparison Compare Chinese/Western New Year traditions using calendar, event Task 8: Time Capsule Project Write a letter to 2123 using: century, historical, wise, memory Reference Part 1: Basic Consolidation Task 1: Timeline Sorting century → historical → memory → ancient Task 2: Antonym Challenge praise criticize wise foolish remember forget Task 3: Historical Match emperor war hunter bite Part 2: Contextual Application Task 4: Folktale Rewrite "The wise emperor ... ...
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