ID: 22466003

Unit 10 第4课时Section B (1a-1d)授课课件+习题课件 2024-2025学年度八年级下学期人教版英语Unit 10 I've had this bike for three y

日期:2025-03-09 科目:英语 类型:初中素材 查看:19次 大小:35580613B 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Unit 10 I've had this bike for three years 第四课时 Section B (1a-1d) 情景导入 Everyone has a hometown.Maybe,it's a beautiful place.Can you tell us something about your hometown Questions: What is your hometown like What's in your hometown Here is a video about Donna’s hometown. Listen to the description and find out what aspects are mentioned about her hometown. Where is Donna’s hometown What’s it like It’s near the sea in France. It’s quiet and beautiful. What interesting places are there in her hometown Lots of small, interesting shops, good places to eat, a great beach, a couple of great galleries and a popular local park. What’s the most popular place to visit for tourists Shining Star lighthouse. So we know Donna’s hometown is described from the following aspects. location (where) places of interest activities (what to do) scenery If you describe your hometown, what other aspects can you think of 生成新知 1a Check (√) the places or things you can find in your town or city. ____ a museum ____ a primary school ____ a bridge ____ a zoo ____ a park ____ a hill ____ a library ____ a river I love my hometown, it is not very prosperous but beautiful. There is an old but large library. It’s the oldest building in the town. You can find various books there. Introduce your town or city to others. Does Martin like Jenny’s hometown 2. Does Jenny still live in her hometown Listen and answer the questions. No, she doesn’t. She’s been away for the past few years. Yes, he thinks Jenny’s hometown is really beautiful. 1b 3. What is behind the science museum What do people do there on weekends There’s a really big park behind the museum. Many families go there on weekends to let their kids run around and climb the hills. 1c Listen again and fill in the chart about the places in Jenny’s hometown. Place New or old How long has it been there town library science museum restaurant down the street old around hundreds of years new since last August old for as long as Jenny can remember Tapescripts Martin: Jenny: Martin: Hey, Jenny, your hometown is really beautiful. Yes, I’ve been away for the past few years, but I still love this town. Even though it’s old, it’s full of interesting places to see and things to do. Wow, look at that building! I’ve never seen anything like it! Jenny: Martin: Jenny: Yes, that’s one of the oldest buildings in this town. It’s been around for hundreds of years. It’s now the town library. What about the building next to it Oh, that’s the new science museum. It’s only been here since last August. There’s a really big park behind the museum. Many families go there on weekends to let the kids run around and climb the hills. Martin: Jenny: Nice. Can we check it out Sure. But first, let’s have lunch at this restaurant down the street. It’s been around for as long as I can remember. It serves the best food in town. Jenny’s hometown is really _____. ... ...

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