ID: 22467884


日期:2025-03-09 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:74次 大小:1712498B 来源:二一课件通
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shbe有标.〔线得最修当的家案无或妮史。)(共IB因,等见1 爱,共10分) Karen is my bes fmnd We go la he sane ghool 31.A.a B.the but ane in cimerent clanses C Karen is qaile tall.She etjes plrying 32 going to train bkithall asd both ofu an in the wchoel tean. B.uains Toam2一der schoel ev明Tidy Cistraiaiag We make a greal team nd3是一in 33 A.slways &sometines Me snctines meet o切othe ciner logaher C.never 34 the weelend.We sometmes go 34.A.from 35一in the courtry part wa C函 3线A.cycling cecle Laet weeken4 we wer Ie Lin'Y F百t比eheg There Uncle Lis asoed风,”35一元 C.cyrle 新Am B.Shall dp mlk th起cuw We id“,”氟0we C.Mud dawm者≤oul for us to do it.La红ae Lin caTled us,pee_辽一od tade 8eEnw和ny6re”They were very 3T.A.coming ceme ddliciou.%ad a very good im器 G,G86 Tedy.ur teim hisa位R线一块 3级A.betvem B.deri南g team frars ancther school We are down by ore C.raaimst paal.I got hart at the begimaing ofthe game. 线【can pal cheor for our tan. 30.A.bunt 且g Kartn has项the bal.Lo马 C.tecause bigh in the,hemk4eScm网 4.Auap国 jumping pn事g美r leaml Brave! C.jumped H Cheese the correct woeds and phrase from the bes to camplete the passage. (从方框中选驿域微的单调或粗证完成知文,)〔共5通,寿圆1分,矣3分) A.xomrthing t封out C.Loim D.babneed P warning 里walch ast 转3面,黑4风

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