川普新令:指定英语为美国官方语言! 据美国《纽约时报》报道,当地时间2025年3月1日,美国白宫表示,美国总统特朗普当天签署行政命令,将英语定为美国的官方语言。 以下为该行政命令的中英双语全文 Designating English As The Official Language of The United States 指定英语为美国官方语言 Executive Order March 1, 2025 行政命令 2025年3月1日 By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, it is hereby ordered: 根据宪法和美利坚合众国法律赋予我作为总统的权力,特此命令: Section 1. Purpose and Policy. From the founding of our Republic, English has been used as our national language. Our Nation’s historic governing documents, including the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, have all been written in English. It is therefore long past time that English is declared as the official language of the United States. A nationally designated language is at the core of a unified and cohesive society, and the United States is strengthened by a citizenry that can freely exchange ideas in one shared language. 第一节:目的和政策。自我们共和国成立以来,英语一直是我们的国语。我国历史上的执政文件,包括《独立宣言》和《宪法》,都是用英语撰写的。因此,很长时间以来,英语一直被要求作为国家的官方语言。一种由国家指定的语言彰显了一个统一和有凝聚力的社会核心,美国的力量来自于公民们能够用一种共同语言自由交流思想。 In welcoming new Americans, a policy of encouraging the learning and adoption of our national language will make the United States a shared home and empower new citizens to achieve the American dream. Speaking English not only opens doors economically, but it helps newcomers engage in their communities, participate in national traditions, and give back to our society. This order recognizes and celebrates the long tradition of multilingual American citizens who have learned English and passed it to their children for generations to come. 在欢迎新美国人的同时,鼓励学习和采用我们的母语的政策将使美国成为一个共同的家园,还能助力新公民实现美国梦。说英语不仅能在经济上打开大门,还能帮助新移民融入社区,参与民族传统活动,回馈社会。这一行政令肯定并支持多语种的美国公民学习英语的优良传统,并将这种传统传给后代。 To promote unity, cultivate a shared American culture for all citizens, ensure consistency in government operations, and create a pathway to civic engagement, it is in America’s best interest for the Federal Government to designate one — and only one — official language. Establishing English as the official language will not only streamline communication but also reinforce shared national values, and create a more cohesive and efficient society. 为了促进团结,为所有公民培养共同的美国文化,确保政府运作的一致性,为公民参与提供途径,联邦政府指定一种(而且只有一种)官方语言符合美国的最佳利益。将英语确立为官方语言不仅可以简化交流,还可以加强共同的民族价值观,并创造一个更有凝聚力和效率的社会。 Accordingly, this order designates English as the official language of the United States. 因此,该行政令指定英语为美国的官方语 ... ...
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