ID: 22468755

(教-学-评一致性)人教版八年级(下) Unit 2 Section B 3a-Self check 写作课示范课课件+导学案+语言点精讲与分层作业

日期:2025-03-09 科目:英语 类型:初中学案 查看:48次 大小:245752846B 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Presentation 人教新目标版 八年级(下册) Presentation Learning Objectives 1. 通过观看视频和图片,能够正确地回答问题,能用英语表述常见的志愿活动,能够谈论自己喜欢的的志愿活动和原因;通过阅读申请志愿活动的书信,能够以读促写,能够找出文章的结构、内容和语言特点,能够通过问题引领说出申请志愿活动书信的写法和技巧。 2.通过完成3a,能够谈论自己喜欢的志愿活动和原因,能够通过问题来作笔记,为写作做好铺垫;通过3b问题引领和参考句型,能够写一封简短的信,表达自己想做什么样的志愿活动,以及做些活动的原因及自己的一些想法。 3.通过实战演练写作练习,能够根据内容和要点提示,独立完成一篇申请志愿工作的书信写作,能够根据评分标准同伴互批互改作文。 Presentation Activity 1 Lead to objective 1 test it Watch and say 评价标准:观看视频回答问题,正确回答出第1.3个问题各得1分,正确回答第2个问题得3分,其中填正确1个空格得1分,共5分。加上下1页,此活动共9分。 我得( )分。 Let’s watch a video and answer the question. 1.Who is the video talking about 2.What do you think of them Volunteers. They're kind,helpful,warm-hearted, and responsible(有责任感的). Volunteers can make _____ to both others and ourselves. a difference Yes/No. Presentation Activity 1 Lead to objective 1 test it Watch and say 评价标准:说出想要做志愿的具体活动和原因,俩俩对话互相问答,每组学生谈论2个图片或自己的2个志愿者活动,共4分。加上上1页,此活动共9分。 我得( )分。 volunteer at a museum I’d like to / I'm interested in/ I’m fond of/ I want to… because… / ntr st/ volunteer in an old people’s home volunteer at a park volunteer in the community volunteer in an after-school program If you are a volunteer, what would you like to do I’d like to plant trees in city parks. Why do you like to do that Because trees can make our city beautiful. How about you What would you like to do Because I like teaching and playing with kids. Why do you like to do that Because I like teaching and playing with kids. Presentation Activity 2 Lead to objective 1 test it Look and say 评价标准:根据图片和志愿活动说出志愿活动的地点,正确填出1个空格得2分,共4分。加上下2页,此活动共12分。 我得( )分。 What can we do as volunteer in different places do some cleaning for the old take a walk with the old cook for the old talk with the old an old people’s home do sports with the kids play games with kids teach English songs to kids teach kids to study an after-school program Presentation Activity 2 Lead to objective 1 test it Look and say 评价标准:根据图片和志愿活动说出志愿活动的地点,正确填出1个空格得2分,共4分。加上上1页下1页,此活动共12分。 我得( )分。 What can we do as volunteer in different places help to keep order introduce the exhibits(展品) / ɡ z b t/ be a guide clean up the museum a museum help to clean up spread knowledge about safety buy things for the need (需要帮助的人) help with the garbage sorting (垃圾分类) the community Presentation Activity 2 Lead to objective 1 test it Look and say 评价标准:根据图片和志愿活动说出志愿活动的地点,正确填出1个空格得2分, ... ...

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