ID: 22471177

读后续写:收养故事的续写 讲义素材-2025届西北名校教研联盟高三下学期2月联考英语试卷

日期:2025-03-09 科目:英语 类型:高中素材 查看:79次 大小:21152B 来源:二一课件通
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读后续写 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写,使之构成一篇完整的短文。 At age twenty-five, with a degree in social work, I hoped to change the world. Excited to be working with people in need, I possessed the idealistic attitude that anything was possible. One evening, sitting in my one-bedroom apartment, I received a call from my aunt, saying that my ten-year-old cousin Mai a had been removed from her home and placed into a care center because she got divorced (离婚) and she couldn’t afford to raise her. I was living in Indiana, but she in Arizona. I tried to offer advice on the situation. I contacted the social worker in Arizona. The social worker said that Mai a had been removed from her home and it was unlikely that she would be able to return. Mai a would likely remain in foster care unless she could move in with a family member. In particular, she needed to be in a home like mine without men. Hearing this, my heart jumped with emotions. Would it be possible for me, a graduate student, to raise a ten-year-old girl I had a heart-to-heart talk with my mother and decided to travel to Arizona together. Upon arrival in Arizona, we met with the social worker, who took us to see Maia. By then, she had been moved to a foster home. She was living with a kind woman. She hugged us tightly and begged us to take her home with us. We attended a meeting with the social worker and the lawyers. With my family’s support, I decided to adopt her. My mother and I said goodbye and left Mai a behind in Arizona while we returned home. It was a difficult, tearful goodbye. I took a semester off from school and took foster-parenting classes, got my certification, moved from my apartment into a two-bedroom rental house, and had the home inspected by social workers, all within several weeks’ time. I also went to relevant departments to have my adoption agreements signed and it was a tiresome process. Paperwork, interviews, home inspections and certifications took up most of my time. 注意: (1)续写词数应为150个左右; (2)请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。 After everything was worked out, I returned to Arizona to collect Maia. _____ Eventually we arrived at our new home. _____ 收养故事的续写 续写要点 第一段:详细描写 “我” 踏入寄养家庭接 Maia 时的场景,Maia 的动作、表情、话语要生动呈现,突出她的喜悦。刻画寄养母亲的神态与动作,体现其善良。描述去机场途中,Maia 对新家好奇的具体表现,如反复询问房间布置等,“我” 对新生活的忐忑与期待也需细致描绘。 第二段:着重展现 Maia 初到新家时的新奇探索,如对每个房间的独特反应,她对新家物品的触摸与惊叹。深入刻画 “我们” 在沙发上规划未来的对话细节,如讨论学校活动、周末计划等,以及 “我” 对未来与 Maia 相伴生活的坚定决心。 情感线(150 字) 起初,“我” 在收养手续办理过程中充满疲惫与期待。接 Maia 时,看到她的欣喜,“我” 的紧张与喜悦交织,Maia 则是纯粹的兴奋。在前往机场途中,Maia 的好奇与 “我” 的不安并存。到达新家,Maia 被新家吸引,惊叹不断,“我” 因能给她稳定住所而满心温暖。之后,在规划未来时,“我们” 都充满希望,“我” ... ...

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