On a rainy Friday afternoon. Susan Tribula fell in love with Elvis Presley after watching him perform in an old movie. Inspired by his music, she danced around the living room, playing an imaginary guitar. Her mother, Mrs. Tribula, noticed how much Susan resembled her own mother.Grandma Betty, who had been a talented banjo(班卓琴) player in her youth. Grandma Betty had once boen a neighborhood celebrity, playing at fairs and parties, but she had stopped play ing as she grew older. Susan's enthusiasm for Elvis made Mrs. Tribula wonder if lier daughter might be better suited to the guitar than the piano. Susan had taken piano lessons for years but never showed the same passion she now had for Elvis's music. After discussing it with her husband, they decided to let Susan switch to guitar lessons. The next day, Susan and lier mother visited Grandma Betty at her retirement home. Susan asked her grandmother why she no longer played the banjo. Grandma Betty explained that she felt too old and forgetful, but she shared the story of how s lee got lier banjo. As a young girl, she had secretly borrowed a banjo from her friend's father and taught herself to play, eventually winning a local music contest. Her parents, opposed to her playing the banjo, eventually supported her after socing how much joy it brought her and others. Susan's nowfound passion for the guitar made her regret that Grandma Botly no longer played the banjo. In order to help Grandma Betty regain her love for music. Susan asked her grandmother to teach her to play the guitar. Howover, Grandma Bett y declined and introduced her to Mr. Mike, a retired guitarist, instead. Susan didn't give up. On the contrary, slee pan practicing diligently, determined to perform at Grandma Betty's upcoming 80th birthday party During herperformance, she would invite her grandmother to play together, thus inspiring her to pick up the banjo again. When the big day came, the big lounge(休息室) of the retirement home was completely full. 注意: 1.续写词数应为150左右: 2.请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。 As Susan stood in front of the crowd, her heart beat violently. Grandma Betty soon returned with her banjo. 文本讲述了Susan Tribula在观看了一部老电影中Elvis Presley的表演后,爱上了他的音乐,并激发了对吉他而非钢琴的热情。尽管Susan已经学了多年钢琴,但她从未表现出对钢琴同样的热情。她的父母注意到这一点后,决定让她改学吉他。 随后,Susan和她的母亲拜访了住在养老院的Grandma Betty。Grandma Betty曾是一位才华横溢的班卓琴手,但随着年龄的增长她停止了演奏。当Susan得知祖母的音乐故事后,希望祖母能教她弹吉他以帮助她重新找回对音乐的热爱,但Grandma Betty推荐了一位退休吉他手Mr. Mike给Susan。 Susan努力练习吉他,决心在Grandma Betty即将到来的80岁生日派对上表演,并邀请祖母一同演出。在生日派对上,Susan成功地与Grandma Betty合作演出,后者重新拿起班卓琴加入到表演中,场面非常温馨感人。这次活动不仅庆祝了Grandma Betty的生日,也重燃了她对音乐的热爱。这一过程展示了音乐跨越世代的力量,以及它如何将家人紧密联系在一起,再次点燃他们心中对生活和音乐 ... ...
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