ID: 22474281

人教版(2019)高中英语必修 1 Unit 2 Travelling around Reading and Thinking课件(共31张,内嵌视频)

日期:2025-03-09 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:15次 大小:39999982B 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 2 Travelling around Reading and Thinking Contents Warming up Pre-reading While-reading Discussion Homework Step 1 Warming-up Today, we will go to visit a beautiful country --Peru. First let's do a quiz to see how much do you know about Peru. Rules: No hands up. Just stand up and answer. "Begin!" Step 2 Pre-reading A. South America B. Africa 1. Which continent is Peru in 2. Which country once occupied Peru A. France B. Spain C. Portugal 葡萄牙 Andes Mountains 3. Which mountains are in Peru A. Rocky mountains B. Andes Mountains C. Himalayas Mountains D. Alps Mountains 落基山脉 安第斯山脉 喜马拉雅山脉 阿尔卑斯山脉 A B C D 4. Which is the national flag of Peru Brazil Thailand Peru Switzerland 5. Which city is the capital of Peru A. Lima 利马 B. Puno 普诺 C. Cuzco 库斯科 6. Which empire once existed in Peru A. Roma B. Spanish C. Inca Lima Puno Cuzco Andes 7. Which is the ancient capital of Inca Strong empire Hot place Home near the sea Old mountain 8. What does Machu Picchu mean in Quechua (盖丘亚族人语)language Listen to the tape of the text and try to find out the places mentioned in the text. STEP3 While-reading Task 1 Andes Mountains STEP3 While-reading Read the short passage again, and then discuss the questions below. 1. Why is Cuzco popular with tourists 2. What is special about Lake Titicaca 3. What do you think the two official languages of Peru are Task 2 1. Why is Cuzco popular with tourists Cuzco is popular because it is close to Machu Picchu and is a good place to see both Spanish and Indian culture and art.(para.2) 2. What is special about Lake Titicaca Lake Titicaca is the highest navigable lake in the world, on which boats can travel. (para.1) 3. What do you think the two official languages of Peru are Spanish and Indian. Read the travel brochure on Page 44 to fill in the blanks. Tour 1 · Experience the 1._____ wildlife and the mountain scenery. · See the 2._____ over the Andes mountain. · Visit the 3._____ of Machu Picchu. Tour 2 · Enjoy fantastic views of the 4._____ countryside from Cuzco to Puno · Travel by boat across 5._____, stopping on the way at the 6._____island of the Uros people. · Stay with a 7._____ family to learn more about their life. Tour 3 · Learn about the history of the 8._____ and visit the 9._____ · Admire the Spanish 10._____and enjoy some Spanish 11._____ . · Buy some 12._____. · Visit the ruins of and the 13._____ of the Inca king. Tour 4 · Fly to the 14._____ of the Amazon Jungle and then travel to a forest 15._____ by boat · Explore the jungle. sunrise ruins diverse highland Lake Titicaca floating local Andes museums architecture cuisine souvenirs royal tomb lowlands reserve Task 3 Read and answer the following questions. 1. On which Tours can you visit the famous Inca ruins of the city of Machu Picchu A. Tour 1 and Tour 2 B. Tour 2 and Tour 3 C. Tour 1 and Tour 3 D. Tour 3 and Tour 4 Task 4 2. If you want to get an opportunity ... ...

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