ID: 22487411

Unit 4 At the farm Part A Let’s Spell 课件(共26张PPT)

日期:2025-03-12 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:78次 大小:24745755B 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Part A Let’s spell Unit 4 At the Farm My name’s York. I can eat with a fork. I have a horse. I’m from New York. What can you find or / / Chant or / :/ Listen and spell or se h or f k Let’s spell 1.四人一组合作组成新单词。 2.看谁拼的又快又准。 Let’s spell t 1.四人一组合作组成新单词。 2.看谁拼的又快又准。 p f n h b d l m c or 大! I read a word! 大! I read a word! I watch a worm! 大! Worf I read a word! I watch a worm! I play with Worf! I have so many work. word worm work Spell and find word worm work or ( ) How to pronounce ‘"or"in these words (发什么音?) Spell and find / / or Watch and imitate k home or w Listen and spell k ld home or w or w Listen and spell map Read more and find horse forty fork short Read more and find horse forty world weather do homework fork short work Read more and find What do you find (你发现了什么?) horse forty world weather do homework fork short Tips: “or”在字母w后面发/ 3:/ 其他字母后面发/o:/ work Try to spell more Tips: 1.声音响亮 2. 运用规律 3. 拼读正确 York morning horn sports worm word world homework born corn pork work 1 2 3 4 5 6 Look, listen and write Look, listen and write Tips: 1.Write correctly 书写正确 2.Write beautifully 书写美观 Goodbye Thanks!

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