/ 让教学更有效 Unit 6 Numbers in life素养情境卷13 (说明:共十一大题,考试时间50分钟,总分100分) 班级: 姓名: 座号: 分数: Amy 是本学期的转校生,刚好3.5学雷锋日到了,学校举行了义卖活动,同学们正带着Amy 一起在校园参加活动呢!让我们一起跟随他们的脚步也来参加这有意义的活动吧! 听力部分(60分) 一、义卖活动前,Amy 的同学们准备了各种各样的物品。请听句子,选出与录音内容相符的物品。(每题2分,共10分) ( )1. ( )2. ( )3. B. C. ( )4. C. ( )5. 二、在去参加活动的路上,Amy和同学们兴奋地对各个摊位的物品的价格和数量进行预测。请听录音,选出与你所听内容相符的数字。(每题2分,共10分) ( )1. A.six B.sixteen C.seventeen ( )2. A.eight B.eighteen C.sixteen ( )3. A.nineteen B.nine C.twelve ( )4. A.eleven B.ten C.eighteen ( )5. A.two B.twenty C.fifteen 三、在各个摊位前,Amy和同学们开心地对物品进行讨论。请听五个小对话,选出正确的答案。(每题2分,共10分) ( )1. It’s yuan. A.nine B.nineteen C.ten ( )2. How books do we have A.make B.much C.many ( )3. We fifteen. A.take B.need C.save ( )4. How is this boat A.much B.we C.watch ( )5. How fourteen yuan for three A.back B.age C.about 四、Amy被义卖摊位上琳琅满目的物品吸引住了,她不知道该选哪个,快来帮她选一选吧!请听问句,选出正确的答语。(每题2分,共10分) ( )1. A.No, it isn’t. B.Yes, I do. C.I’m twelve. ( )2. A.We have twenty. B.I like books. C.I have fifteen yuan. ( )3. A.I’m fifteen. B.It’s fifteen. C.I’d like some milk. ( )4. A.Yes, I don’t. B.Yes, I do. C.Yes, it is. ( )5. A.I have twenty yuan. B.I’m six. C.It’s six yuan. 五、Amy和Binbin在义卖摊位对话。请听对话,按顺序用1-5给下列句子标号。(每题2分,共10分) ( ) A.How much is this pen ( ) B.How much is this cap ( ) C.Five yuan.You can have three for fourteen yuan. ( ) D.It’s twelve yuan. ( ) E.How about thirteen yuan for three? F.OK.(此句不用排序) 六、Amy在义卖摊位看到了很多东西。听录音,写出句子所缺的单词,请注意用手写体格式。(书写格式占一半分,每题2分,共10分) 1.Look at the bag. It’s . 2. The doll is a . 3. How much is the car 4. These are fresh. 5. How much is the It looks yummy. 笔试部分(40分) 七、Amy 走到了“常识知多少”售书摊位前,知道越多,优惠越多哦。(每题1分,共5分) ( )1. A year (年) has _____ months (月). A.eleven B.twelve C.thirteen ( )2. One apple is three yuan. How much are the five apples _____. A.Fifteen B.Sixteen C.Seventeen ( )3. I am ten. My brother is 3 years older than me(比我大). He is _____. A.seven B.seventeen C.thirteen ( )4. I pay eighteen yuan for three books. How much is each book _____. A.Fifteen B.Six C.Eleven ( )5. Four and (加) fifteen makes _____. A.nineteen B.fourteen C.twenty 八、义卖活动中,Amy 和同学们都说了哪些数字呢?根据内容和图片的提示,选择合适的单词,并把单词填写在相应的四线三格上,请注意用手写体格式。(每题1分,共5分) A. thirteen B. twenty C. eleven D. fourteen E. Twelve 1. I pay yuan for this toy car. 2. How many strawberries(草莓) do you have I have . 3. How many apples do you have . 4. I need crayons. 5. How many caps do we need We need caps. 九、 ... ...
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