
外研版英语必修3 Module 1 Europe同步练习

日期:2024-09-28 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:17次 大小:79360Byte 来源:二一课件通
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登陆21世纪教育 助您教考全无忧 外研版英语高一必修3 Module 1 Europe同步练习 一、单项选择 1. A big whale was caught _____ the coast by two fishermen A. along B. on C. across D. off 答案:D 解析:along沿着;on在...之上;across在...对面;off the coast 表示在海洋中靠近海岸线的地方。句意:一头巨鲸在靠近海岸处被两名渔民捕获。故选D。 点评:本题考查介词的辨析及其在语境中的正确选择。 1. We are often _____ with the two opposite sides off a thing which are both desirable. A. supplied B. faced C. connected D. fixed 答案:B 解析:be supplied with意为“被提供...,,,”;;be faced with意为“面对......”;be connected with意为“与·······有关系”;be fixed with意为“被固定在......”句意:我们经常面对难以取舍的境地。故选B。 点评:本题考查动词短语。要牢牢掌握动词短语的含义。 2. Many people like white colour as it is a ____ of purity. A. symbol B. sign C. signal D. mark 答案:A 解析:Symbol“象征”;sign“征兆,迹象”;signal“信号”;mark“痕迹”。句意:许多人喜欢白色因为它是纯洁的象征。故选A。 点评:本题考查名词的辨析。 3. Thirty-five percent of the area     with trees and grass; our city looks more beautiful. A. covers B. are covered C. is covered D. cover 答案:C 解析:be covered with固定词组,意为“被......所覆盖”。Thirty-five percent of the area考查的是主谓一致,分数词或百分数词修饰名词作主语,谓语动词与所修饰名词的数保持一致,本题中area是不可数名词。故选C。 点评:本题考查固定的短语和主谓一致,根据语境来判断正确答案 5. Man’s life is often _____ a candle. A.compared with B.compared to C.compare to D.compare with 答案:B 解析:be compared with “被和......相比”;be compared to “被比作......”; 故选B。 点评:本题考查动词短语的辨析。 6. I graduated from college in 1990 and     English in our school ever since. A. taught B. teach C. have taught D. am teaching 答案:C 解析:ever since用法同since,与现在完成时连用。故选C。 点评:考查时态的标志性时间状语。 7.—     you or your sister fond of music — Neither she nor I    . A. Are; am B. Are; is C. Is; am D. Is; is 答案:A 解析:or ,neither ... nor 谓语动词就近原则 。故选A。 点评:本题考查主谓一致,难度不大。 8. If you keep practising every day,    , you’ll find your spoken English improving. A. for example B. on the other hand C. little by little D. in common 答案:C 解析:for example意为“例如”;on the other hand意为“另一反面”;little by little意为“逐渐地”;in common意为“共同地”。句意:如果你每天一直练习,渐渐地你就会发现你的英语口语在进步。故选C。 点评:本题考查介词短语的辨析,难度一般,为常考知识点。 9. As we all know, the Yellow River is the longest in China     the Yangtze River. A. in terms of B. such as C. next to D. because of 答案:C 解析:句意:正如我们大家所知道的,在中国,黄河是仅次于长江的第一大河。 in terms of 意为“就......而言”;such as 意为“例如”;next to意为“挨着,仅次于”;because of意为“因为”。故选C。 点评:本题考查介词短语的辨析。根据句意来判断,难度不大。 10. _____ achievement , last week’s minisstrial meeting of the WTO had earned a low , though not f ... ...

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