
甘肃省安定区李家堡初级中学八年级英语下册Unit 3 Animals Are Our Friends 表格式导学案(无答案)(6课时)

日期:2024-06-20 科目:英语 类型:初中学案 查看:94次 大小:82203Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    本资料来自于资源最齐全的21世纪教育网www.21cnjy.com 《Lesson13 Danny’s big scare》 学习目标 1.Master the new words and phrases.2. Understand the text .3. Be able to use vocabularies. 学习重点 Master some phrases. 学习难点 Grasp the text. 学法指导 Listening help to master the passage. 知识准备 Review contents we have studied. Review the new lesson. The students can read the new words and the text. 学习流程学习流程 预习检测 A. 英汉互译。1. wound like _____ 2. 在家_____3. be glad to go _____ 4. 跳下_____5. go on vacation _____. 6.照顾,照料_____7. be afraid of _____ 8. 养宠物_____B、Answer the questions.How did Danny get to Jenny’house _____Where is Danny going this Saturday _____3.How many times has Brian been to the zoo in Edmonton _____4. What jumped off the sofa _____5. Where did Aunt Jane’s family go _____.6. Why does Danny want to have a dog _____ 任务导学 知识探究Would you and Brian like to go to the zoo this Saturday 此句句型:_____翻译句子;_____总结其短语;_____, _____, _____He hasn’t been to the zoon in Edmonton.此句句型:_____翻译句子;_____区别:have/has been to ,have /has gone to 与have/has been in _____举例说明;_____. 达标检测 根据汉语提示写单词。惊吓_____ 尖声喊叫_____ 微小的_____长沙发_____ 假期_____ 温和的_____忠诚的_____ 门铃_____B. Fill in the blanks with the words in the box. sofa tiny vacation quiet gentle friendly We are going to Canada for our _____My grandfa often sits on the _____ and watch TV.A _____ wind blew through the window.There are two _____ fishing boats on the lake.The room is small and _____She gave me a _____ smile which relaxed. 拓展延伸 Let the students act the dialogue with their partners. 课堂小节 Let the students say what they learned this class. 作业布置 1.Recite the text of lesson 13;2.Review the next lesson. 课后反思 21世纪教育网 -- 中国最大型、最专业的中小学教育资源门户网站。 版权所有@21世纪教育网本资料来自于资源最齐全的21世纪教育网www.21cnjy.com 《Lesson15 The zoo is open.》 学习目标 掌握本课单词和重要语法点。学会写游记 学习重点 protect sb./sth. from sth.go extinct 灭绝 学习难点 学会写游记 学法指导 Listen, speak and read. 知识准备 Review contents we have studied. Review the new lesson. The students can read the new words and the text. 学习流程学习流程 预习检测 掌握下列单词:保护 灭绝 大猩猩 斑马 Read the text and answer the following questions.1) What day is it today 2) Where will the children go tomorrow 3) Why do they need caps 4) What will Brian bring in his backpack 任务导学 LANGUAGE NOTESThe zoo is open.open 可以作形容词表示”开着的,营业的,办公的,敞开的,开阔的”等意思;还可作动词表示”打开”.2.Let’s go somewhere tomorrow.I saw him somewhere .否定句:3 .It has all kinds of animals.Eg: You can see all kinds of plants in the garden.There are all kinds of food in the shop.all kinds of (汉语) 4.We’ll need our caps to protect us from the sun. protect sb./sth. from sth.造句:我穿上一件外套防寒:他戴上墨镜防止日光照射眼睛.5 Gorillas might go extinct. might 表推测,意为”可能”;must表肯定推测,意 ... ...

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