ID: 22525883

第3-4课时Reading and Writing Unit 6 Food and Drinks教案-【中职专用】高一英语同步精品课堂(高教版2023修订版基础模块1)

日期:2025-03-14 科目:英语 类型:教案 查看:64次 大小:527276B 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 基础模块一 教学设计 Unit 6 Food and Drinks 第三、四课时 Reading and Writinging 课 题 Unit 6 Food and Drinks ( Reading and Writinging) 课 型 新课 课 时 2 授课班级 授课时间 80mins 授课教师 教材分析 本课教学内容选自高等教育-出卷网-出版的“十四五”职业教育国家规划教材,《英语基础模块1》中Unit 6 Food and Drinks读写(Reading and Writing)板块,如何选择餐馆。要求学生能读懂有关选择餐馆的文章,对信息进行比较和分析,做出合理判断,并能在掌握文体特征基础上,学会撰写逻辑清晰合理的语段,表述选择餐馆的理由。 学情分析 经过前两节课的学习,学生能简述对中西食物和饮品的喜好,能够根据情境,讨论餐饮相关内容,并有效完成点餐活动。但对于如何综合考虑多种因素,合理选择餐馆,并通过清晰的逻辑表达出来,还需要进一步学习。 学习目标 知识目标: 学习单词和短语并且会选择合适的餐馆:factor/various /proper/unwise /ruin /cozy /environment /tend to/a variety of /make a decision/apart from/a little bit further/quality/pay attention to/contribute to /eight famous cuisines in China 能力目标: Understand how to choose a suitable restaurant and clarify the reasons. Master the basic structure of explaining the reasons. 情感目标: To know the importance of choosing a suitable restaurant. 学习重难点 教学重点: Be able to familiarize the theme of choosing a restaurant. 教学难点: Be able to compare, analyze and judge the information, select a suitable restaurant, and write a paragraph to explain the reasons. 教学方法 小组讨论法、任务教学法、情境教学法 课前准备 PPT课件,语音素材,图片 教学媒体 PPT课件、多媒体设备、语音素材、拓展资源包等 教学过程 教学环节 教师活动设计 学生活动设计 设计意图 Step 1 Warming Up 1.Think and discuss. 1)Ask questions to find out the students' responses, and present two apps that can make it convenient to choose restaurants. Do you use the app to choose a restaurant 大众点评、美团 What other apps do you use to choose a restaurant 抖音、快手 What do you think of the app Convenient and cheaper. How often do you use the app Every weekend/When I’m busy./Sometimes. 2.Think and tick. Guide the students to think about the factors that they would consider when choosing a restaurant, such as food, price, location, decoration, service and so on. 1.Talk about the experiences of choosing restaurants on these apps and answer some questions. 2.Think about the factors they would consider when choosing a restaurant, such as food, price, location, decoration, service and so on. 通过谈论使用手机应用程序选餐馆的经验,激发学生兴趣,激活学生对选餐馆这一主题的相关体验,为后面活动做铺垫。 通过引导学生思考选餐馆的考虑因素,为后续阅读活动做铺垫。 Step 2: Reading 1.Think and tick 1)Guide the students to think about and tick off the factors that they attach the most importance to when choosing a restaurant. A. food B. price C.location D.decoration E.service F. 2.Read and choose. 1)Read the given sentance and listen to the record. Then select the correct title for this article. Teacher check the answers and ask the students to explain the reasons and give feedback. 2)Teache ... ...

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