ID: 22525897

第5课时language practice Unit 7 The Internet教案-【中职专用】高一英语同步精品课堂(高教版2023修订版基础模块1)

日期:2025-03-14 科目:英语 类型:教案 查看:46次 大小:562997B 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 基础模块一 教学设计 Unit 7 The Internet 第五课时 Language Practice & Vocabulary 课 题 Unit 7 The Internet ( 第五课时 Language Practice ) 课 型 新课 课 时 1 授课班级 授课时间 40mins 授课教师 教材分析 本课教学内容选自高等教育-出卷网-出版的“十四五”职业教育国家规划教材(中等职业学校公共基础课程教材)《英语基础模块1》,Unit 7 The Internet语言运用(Language Practice)板块,分为语法(Grammar)和词汇(Vocabulary)两部分, 主要学习现在进行时的基本用法和本单元的重点词汇。 学情分析 学生在初中阶段已经学习了现在进行时的基本用法,大体掌握了现在进行时的概念和基本结构,看到“now”能够使用现在进行时。教师进一步系统且有重点地讲解人称或单复数的Be动词,正确使用动词ing形式。对于词汇学习,教师要帮助学生掌握单词的正确发音,注意创设情景,帮助学生记忆单词,掌握单词的语用环境和使用方法,培养学生在真实情境中使用恰当的语言进行交际的能力。 学习目标 知识目标: 1.Master the basic usage of the present continuous tense. 2.Be able to accurately use the present continuous tense in specific contexts. 能力目标: 1. Be able to accurately use the key vocabulary in specific contexts, such as:customer、survey、typical、order、click、log onto、have access to、stay up、go over等;。 2. Be able to use the present continuous tense correctly. 情感目标: Develop good learning habits and improve pragmatic competence. 学习重难点 教学重点:Master the basic usage of the present continuous tense and be able to apply it. 教学难点:Be able to accurately choose between the present continuous tense and the simple past tense in specific contexts in combination with adverbials of time. 教学方法 小组讨论法、任务教学法、情境教学法 课前准备 PPT课件,语音素材,图片 教学媒体 PPT课件、多媒体设备、语音素材、拓展资源包等 教学过程 教学环节 教师活动设计 学生活动设计 设计意图 Step 1: Warming up 1.Lead the students to review the usages of the present continuous tense by giving examples and write them down. 2.Read the example sentences in the text, paying attention to the words and phrases in italics. I’m thinking of buying a new one. I’m doing a survey about network games. At 7:50, the phone is ringing for morning hobby classes. Students recall the relevant knowledge of the present continuous tense and find out the sentences in the present continuous tense in the text. Students list the relevant knowledge of the present continuous tense to prepare for systematizing these fragmented pieces of knowledge in the next step. Step 2: Language Practice 1.Students watch the grammar micro-lesson video with Unit 7, recall the key knowledge summarized above, and summarize new points. 2.学习语法:现在进行时 在英语时态中,“时”指动作发生的时间,“态”指动作的样子和状态。 (一)基本用法: (1)表示(说话瞬间)正在进行或发生的动作。 I’m visiting my friends now. (2)表示现阶段正在进行的动作或存在的状态。 His is learning English this year. (二) 谓语构成:be (am/ is/ are)+v-ing (动词的现在分词) 【注意】be要与主语的人称和数保持一致。如: I’m watching TV now. 我现在正在看电视。 They’re playing footba ... ...

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