中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 基础模块一 教学设计 Unit 8 People and Events 第五课时 Language Practice & Vocabulary 课 题 Unit 8 People and Events ( 第五课时 Language Practice ) 课 型 新课 课 时 1 授课班级 授课时间 40mins 授课教师 教材分析 本课教学内容选自高等教育-出卷网-出版的“十四五”职业教育国家规划教材(中等职业学校公共基础课程教材)《英语基础模块1》,Unit 8 People and Events语言运用(Language Practice)板块,分为语法(Grammar)和词汇(Vocabulary)两部分, 重点学习情态动词以及单元重点词汇的用法。情态动词的学习能帮助学生进一步理解英文动词的基本用法,为他们理解一些英文语法现象打下基础。单元重点词汇来自本单元听力和阅读材料,教师可进一步讲解并组织学生练习、检测,夯实所学内容。 学情分析 情态动词的基本用法初中已有学习,学生认识常用情态动词,并能简单运用。但对于每个情态动词的用法掌握不够扎实,不能正确区分其在不同情境中的含义及用法,解决相关问题时的准确率不高,实际语用时的也易出错,本节通过例句呈现、情境匹配和补全对话的形成进行练习,可让学生更准确地理解并运用情态动词。 学习目标 知识目标: 1.To master the usage of modal verbs. 2.To be able to use the vocabulary and phrases correctly. 能力目标: Accurately use the key vocabulary of this unit, such as "ahead of schedule", "stretch from", "return to", "show an interest in", "succeed in", etc. To be able to use modal verbs in real situation. 情感目标: To be able to understand the value and significance of important people and events in our history. 学习重难点 教学重点:To master the usage of modal verbs. 教学难点:To be able to understand the special usage of modal verbs. 教学方法 小组讨论法、任务教学法、情境教学法 课前准备 PPT课件,语音素材,图片 教学媒体 PPT课件、多媒体设备、语音素材、拓展资源包等 教学过程 教学环节 教师活动设计 学生活动设计 设计意图 Step 1: Warming up 1.Lead the students to review the usages of the modal verbs. 2.Read the example sentences in the text, paying attention to the words and phrases in italics. Could you teach me a little bit about it More people could buy paper and use it to record and share knowledge. I can’t live without it. Should I go there The Jingzhang Railway must go through an area of hills and mountains. Review the usages of the modal verbs. Review the definitions, characteristics and all modal pare with one's existing knowledge and supplement the notes. Classify them to pave the way for the following grammar learning. Step 2: Language Practice 1.Learn the grammer:情态动词modal verbs 2.Summarize the use of some modal verbs. Grammar:modal verbs 1)定义:表示说话人的情绪、态度或语气的动词。 特点:1.有词义,不能单独作谓语,必须和其他动词原形构成谓语。 2.无人称和数的变化。 3.后接动词原型。 2)类别 ①只做情态动词:may, might, must… ②可做情态动词又可做实义动词:如:need, dare... ③具有情态动词特征:have(had,has) to,used to, ought to ④可做情态动词又可作助动词:如:shall(should),will(would) 3)用法 Can could can的主要用法是: 1. 表示能力: eg. The girl can dance very well. 2. 表示说话者的推测﹑事物的可能性: eg. Can the news be true 3. 在口语中, 表示请求或允许: eg. Can I sit ... ...
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