ID: 22525903

第6课时Culture Understanding & Group Work Unit 7 The Internet 教案-【中职专用】高一英语同步(基础模块1)

日期:2025-03-14 科目:英语 类型:教案 查看:68次 大小:522133B 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 基础模块一 教学设计 Unit 7 The Internet 第六课时 Culture Understanding & Group Work 课 题 Unit 7 The Internet ( Culture Understanding& Group Work) 课 型 新课 课 时 1 授课班级 授课时间 40mins 授课教师 教材分析 本课教学内容选自高等教育-出卷网-出版的“十四五”职业教育国家规划教材,《英语 基础模块1》中Unit 7 The Internet文化理解(Culture Understanding)和小组活动(Group Work)两个板块。学生通过阅读学习,对网络智能科技的发展形成基本认知;拓展科技文化视野,提高跨文化理解能力。小组活动板块要求学生在掌握本单元所学的基础上,运用语言知识在具体情境中完成仿真任务。通过问卷调查了解同学们假期中的网络使用情况,讨论不良上网习惯的危害等活动,辩证全面地看待互联网,学会合理使用网络。 学情分析 学生熟悉有关互联网活动的基本语言表达和建议书的写作要点,能开展网络活动调研访谈,以及撰写科学合理使用手机的建议书。从文化理解的视角,学生进一步学习智慧城市和网络智能科技的发展,能丰富学生关于互联网话题的知识储备,拓展科技文化视野。通过创设情景,设置仿真任务,教师帮助学生在实际情境中实践理论知识,巩固学习成果。 学习目标 知识目标: Supplement the learning of words and phrases:globe /IOT(Internet of Things)/process/concerning/healthcare/sensor.../It is said that /the world’s population/5G networks 能力目标: Be able to communicate with others about the harms of bad Internet habits and call on everyone to use the Internet in a scientific and reasonable manner. 情感目标: Summarize and reflect on learning methods and strategies, and develop good learning habits. 学习重难点 Understand the connotation of a smart city and the development of network intelligent technology; Use the learned sentence patterns to describe and summarize the harms of bad Internet habits. 教学方法 小组讨论法、任务教学法、情境教学法 课前准备 PPT课件,语音素材,图片 教学媒体 PPT课件、多媒体设备、语音素材、拓展资源包等 教学过程 教学环节 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 Step 1: Warming up 1.Lead in Play a video about the IOT. Think about the advantages about the smart city. Do you know the smart globe? Tips :我国正在加强城市基础设施建设,打造更多的宜居、韧性、智慧城市。 2.some expressions the smart city 智慧城市 the smart community 智慧社区 the smart globe 智慧地球 1.Discuss the questions and share the scenes of using smart tools in daily life. The application of smart tools related to daily life makes it easier for students to understand the concepts of a smart city and a smart globe. Step 2 Culture Und- erstanding Culture Understanding. Guide the students to Read the text to understand the differences between a smart city and an ordinary town. Find out the example of the smart city Smart cityMore comfortable for livingSmart cans.Smart bike system . 3.Read the text again ,and learn some words and expressions . globe /IOT(Internet of Things)/process/concerning/healthcare/sensor.../It is said that /the world’s population/5G networks Judge whether it is right or false. 4.Discuss the question:What can you do in building a smart city 1.Read the text to understand the differences between a sm ... ...

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