ID: 22532466


日期:2025-03-14 科目:英语 类型:高中素材 查看:82次 大小:18942725B 来源:二一课件通
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    州市教学研究室 青岛市胶州市教学研究室 青岛市胶州行数子街计允室 青岛市胶州市教学研究室 2025年高三年级第次适应性检测 英语试题参考答案 第一部分听力多 1B数学 2.C 子4教学研究室 4.A 5.c 青尚市哈 胶州市教学研究室 12.B皆岛打交家 7.A 9.A 背岛市 11.A 13.C 14.B 15.A 青岛市胶 16.B 17.B 18.C 19.C 20.B 第二部分阅读 教学研究室 21.A 24.D 26.C 31.A 着岛市之,市教学研究23D 22.C 28.C 9母学研完室25分 30.A 3D背岛市胶 33.C 35.C 青岛市胶州市教学研穷 36.E 37.G 39.A 40.C 第三部分语言运用 41.D 42.B 45.A C学研究室 46.C 47.D 52.A 青岛市散洲号 青品市胶鼎9教学研究堂4分 43.0 48.A 49.B 54.D 青岛市胶州部学研究室 50.A 57.but 青岛 58.dynamically 59.strength .practices 市教学研究室 prepare 63.offers 胶州市教学研究室 62.which/that 64.awakenin 青岛市胶州市教学研究室 青岛市胶州市教学研究室 65.enjoying 第四部分写作 (略) 青岛市胶州市教学研究室 究室 英语试题参考答秦第1页(共3页) 青岛市胶州市致 青岛市胶州市教学研究室 青岛市胶 州市教学研究室 青岛市胶州市数字叶九至 青岛市胶州市教学研究室 W:Hi,Jack!This is Mary speaking.I'm organizing a little party for my birthday this Saturday.It's nothing very big.We're going to have it at my house.I'd love to see you. M:Thanks for having me,but I have another appointment. Text 2 学研究 6研究室 数学研究室 Chinese friend invites me to celebrate the Lantern Festival with her.Do you know jsAshen it began 方胶州市9 市胶州 M:Yes.It has a long history.During the Han Dynasty,more than 2,000 years ago,Emperor Wen 青岛市形 ordered that the 15th day of the first lunar month be dedicated to the festival. Text 3 M:I'm going to start learning how to play the guitar.I'm sure it will only take me a month to learn. 教学研究室 青岛市胶州市教学研穷 W:You definitely have your head in the clouds!You're going to need much longer than two months! Text 4 胶州市教学 州市教学研 M:Sara,would you like to join me to the shopping center W:That sounds good!Are we going to buy my Christmas gift in advance M:We threw a birthday party for you yesterday,and Christmas is 3 months away.I think I'd better drive there myself. Text 5 W:Spring is coming soon.I want to do some exercise outside.I've made a list of the exercise for my weekly plan. yelng on Saturday morming as ust 胶州市教学研 W:Other than that,I will also join friends for a game of softball on Monday evening.And I am running laps around the lake on Thursday afternoon. 青岛 Text 6 M:What plans do you have for the summer break,Emily W:I'm planning a vacation for my family.I has thought about visiting Miami,Florida again,and I /∥子教学所元really enjoyed the beach there last year.. 三na御mw差 M:Yes.Miami is a beautiful city that really deserves a second time. 学研究室 W:But this year they want to visit the mountains.They are thinking about Colorado. M:How do you get there %市胶州 home in Atlanta,because our sons,Brandon and Brent prefer to experience the thrill of taking off into the air,traveling above the clouds,and looking down on the landscapes. M:It couldn't be better! Text 7 青岛市胶州市教学研究室 究室 芙语试题 ... ...

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