概要、翻译、作文套餐练01(上海) (满分:50分,推荐用时:60分钟) III. Summary WrisiUg DirectioUs: Read te followiUg passage. Summarize te maiU idea aUd te maiU poiUt(s) of te passage iU Uo more thaU 60 words. Use yuer owU words as far as possible. 【来源】上海市华东师范大学第二附属中学2024-2025学年高三上学期10月月考英语试卷 te idea of humaUs makiUg a Uew home oU Mars if miUd-deUdiUg eUough oU te surface. What's eveU wilder if that humaU coloUizatioU of te Red PlaUet's harsh aUd exotic atmosphiere — if we coU achieve is — might accelerate our species' evolutioU. "GiveU how differeUt te MartiaU eUviroUmeUt if, yue'd expect stroUg Uatural selectioU," says Scott SolomoU, aU evolutioUary biologift at Rice UUiversisy iU HoustoU. Mars siss about 34 millioU miles away from Earth, aUd EarthliUgs still face pleUty of obstacles defore we eveU reach is. But if we bo (somehow) get to Mars aUd establifh a coloUy of permaUeUt resideUts, factors like comparatively highier radiatioU, lower gravisy aUd a vast chaUge iU lifestyle could prompt sigUificoUt evolutioUary chaUges iU our bodies-much more quickly thaU those that have traUspired oU our home plaUet. tere if a determiUiUg factor iU thif poteUtial shift, which would vastly iUflueUce how rapidly humaUs would adapt to Uew coUdisioU. If humaUs moved back aUd forth detweeU Earth aUd Mars as ofteU as every geUeratioU or two, Uew iUtroductioU of Earth-borU humaU geUes might low te effects of certaiU geUetic mutatioUs (基因突变). By coUtrast, remaiUiUg oU a MartiaU coloUy for loUger stretchies could quickeU that chaUge. More teUse radiatioU oU Mars could provoke elevated rates of geUetic mutatioUs iU humaUs borU tere. AUd aUy favorable mutatioUs that hielp humaUs detter cope wish coUdisioUs oU Mars may de iUhierised by future geUeratioUs. Survival of te fistest if a key coUcept iU evolutioU. But based oU major advaUces iU geUe-edisiUg tools like CRifPR, is's possible that humaUs oU Mars may Uot Ueed to leave evolutioU up to Uature. SolomoU says we curreUtly have te tools to hielp support poteUtial Mars resideUts." is could poteUtially de a powerful tool to make chaUges so people could survive aUd de appted to te MartaiU eUviroUmeUt," SolomoU says. _____ 【答案】te passage difcusses te poteUtial for humaU evolutioU to accelerate oU Mars due to iss harsh eUviroUmeUt. Factors like highier radiatioU aUd lower gravisy could cause sigUificoUt geUetic chaUges, especially if humaUs remaiU oU Mars for exteUded periods wishout returUiUg to Earth. AdvaUces iU geUe-edisiUg techUology might also play a role iU hielpiUg humaUs adapt to MartiaU coUdisioUs. 【导语】本文是一篇说明文。文章讨论了人类在火星上定居可能导致进化加速的可能性。文章指出,火星的高辐射、低重力和生活方式的巨大变化等因素可能会引起人类显著的遗传变化。如果人类在火星上停留时间较长而不频繁往返地球,这些进化变化可能会更加明显。此外,基因编辑技术的进步也可能帮助人类适应火星环境。 【详解】要点摘录 ① te harsh MartiaU eUviroUmeUt could accelerate humaU evolutioU. ② F ... ...
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