课件网) Unit 3 Learning better 第5课时 C. Reading time Activity 1: Brainstorm Let’s do a brainstorm. Please say the animals as quickly as you can. You are smart. Different senses and tools hels us learn. Can they help animals learn b____ l____ b____ r____ ear ion ird abbit Activity 2: Look and find Please look at the pictures and find the animals. polar bears lions a frog Activity 2: Look and find Please look at the pictures and find the animals. ants bees an eagle a rabbit Activity 3: Listen and imitate Now, please listen to the audio and try to read the words about the animals. polar bears lions frog Activity 3: Listen and imitate ants bees eagle a rabbit Activity 4: Listen, read and find How do these animals learn Please read and find. How do polar bears learn Where do you find it They learn from Mum and Dad. I find it in “1”. Activity 4: Listen, read and find How do lions learn They play and learn. What can frogs do They can get food with their tongues. Activity 4: Listen, read and find What can ants do What can’t ants do They can use smell to do. They can’t speak. What can bees do What can’t bees do They can make a “map”. They can’t draw. Activity 4: Listen, read and find What can eagles do Eagles can see a rabbit from sky. Activity 5: Read, underline and find How do we learn What can we do What can’t we do We know how animals learn. How do we learn Please read and underline. Then answer the questions. Activity 5: Read, underline and find How do we learn What can we do We learn from Mum and Dad. We play and learn. We taste food with our tongues. We speak and learn. We draw maps with pencils and paper. We can use tools to see more. What can’t we do We can’t get food with our tongues. We can’t see a rabbit from the sky. Activity 6: Read, think and find We know how we learn and how the animals learn. Are they the same Please read the text and discuss with your partner. Activity 6: Read, think and find Who do we learn from What animals do the same We learn from Mum and Dad. Polar bears do the same. Activity 6: Read, think and find Can we play and learn What animals do the same We can play and learn. Lions do the same. Activity 6: Read, think and find What do we do with our tongues How do frogs get food We taste food with our tongues. Frogs get food with their tongues. Activity 6: Read, think and find Can ants speak What can they do to learn Ants can’t speak. They can use smell to learn. Activity 6: Read, think and find What do we use to draw Can bees draw What can they do We draw with pencils and paper. Bees can’t draw. They can make a “map”. Activity 6: Read, think and find What can eagles do Can we do the same What can we do Eagles can see a rabbit from sky. We can’t do the same. We can use tools to see more. Activity 7: Think, talk and show We know that different senses and tools help us learn. They help us in many ways. Please think and talk in groups and find more wa ... ...