ID: 22552795

第1-2课时Listening & Speaking Unit 8 The People and the Events课件 -高一英语(高教2023修订版基础模块1)

日期:2025-03-20 科目:英语 类型:课件 查看:83次 大小:40915645B 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 8 People and Events Listening & Speaking If I have seen further,it is by standing on the shoulders of giants. 如果我比别人看得更远,那是因为我站在巨人的肩膀上。 Learning objectives knowledge objectives ability objectives emotional objectives To master the words and expressions . Exchange views on important figures and events. Be able to talk about preferences and express the reasons. Warming up Speaking Homework 02 Contents 01 01 03 02 04 Listening 1 Warming up Talk about some famous people,such as 屠呦呦,詹天佑,蔡伦and so on. Warming up Good morning! I’m your new teacher this term. My name is Rebacca. 屠呦呦 屠呦呦是药学家。她多年致力于青蒿素研究,历经无数次实验失败仍坚持不懈。最终成功提取青蒿素,为全球疟疾防治作出卓越贡献,是首位获得诺贝尔生理学或医学奖的中国本土科学家,极大地推动了世界医学发展进程。 Why do you think he or she is famous or important What achievements has he or she made Warming up Good morning! I’m your new teacher this term. My name is Rebacca. 詹天佑 12岁留学美国,1878年考入耶鲁大学土木工程系 ,主修铁路工程。他是中国近代铁路工程专家 ,被誉为中国首位铁路总工程师。其负责修建了京张铁路等工程,有“中国铁路之父”、“中国近代工程之父”之称。1905—1909年主持修建中国自主设计并建造的第一条铁路—京张铁路;创设“竖井开凿法”和“人”字形线路,震惊中外;在筹划修建沪嘉、洛潼、津芦、锦州、萍醴、新易、潮汕、粤汉等铁路中,成绩斐然。 著有《铁路名词表》《京张铁路工程纪略》等。 1919年4月24日因腹疾严重,心力衰竭逝世,终年58岁。 Why do you think he or she is famous or important What achievements has he or she made Warming up Good morning! I’m your new teacher this term. My name is Rebacca. 蔡伦,字敬仲,桂阳郡人。中国东汉宦官、发明家。 汉明帝永平末年,蔡伦入宫供职,后又兼任尚方令,监造刀剑器械。永元十四年(102年)蔡伦在邓皇后的支持下,总结以往人们的造纸经验,革新造纸工艺,最终制成了“蔡侯纸”,并于元兴元年(105年)奏报朝廷,汉和帝下令推广他的造纸法。 蔡伦富有才学,敦厚谨慎,常犯颜谏诤,匡正得失。他改进的造纸术经古代文献记载,得以流传和发展,并传播到世界各地,被列为中国古代“四大发明” ,也是人类历史上的重大发明 。后世纸工奉蔡伦为造纸鼻祖、“纸圣” 或 “纸神”。 They influenced us and our lives. 将以下人物或城市,与对应事件及图片相匹配。 Task1 Look and match. Ⅰ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Zhan Tianyou 4 Beijing 3 Henry Ford 2 Cai Lun 1 holding Winter Olympic Games A producing cars in large numbers B designing and building the Jingzhang Railway C improving the method of paper-making D 生产 提高,改善 读以下谜语,比一比谁先猜到谜底。 Task2 Read and guess. I am very very old, but I am thin. I can wear your colorful paintings, and I can help you record and share knowledge. What am I paper 我很老,但我很薄。 我能呈现你们色彩斑斓的画作, 并且我能帮记录和分享知识。 我是什么? Listening 2 A. buying and using paper B. the history of paper in China C. the invention of paper 听录音,勾选出对话的主题。 Task3 Listen and tick. √ a paper-making museum nearby The history of using paper in China is about 2 0 ... ...

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