课件网) Part B How do our senses help us learn Let’s learn & Listen and do Unit 3 Learning better 1.语言知识目标:能够理解“see” “smell” “taste” “hear” “touch”等一系列感官动词,明白其含义与使用场景。 2.2.思维能力目标:能够识别教师在发出指令时的语音、语调特点,理解指令与相应动作之间的联系。 3.学习能力目标:学生可以熟练地根据所听到的学习指令做出正确、迅速的动作反应。 4.文化品格目标:学生能够将所学的指令短语迁移到校园生活的其他场景或家庭学习环境中,拓展语言运用的范围。 Learning objective Warm-up Warm-up What’s the song about A.The stationeries B: The five senses Lead in What does the girl/boy do Let’s look and think Let’s learn What is this It’s an eye. see The eyes can see. I see with my eyes. What do you see I see a/an_____ . Let’s learn What is this It’s a nose. smell The nose can smell. I smell with my nose. Let’s learn I have a tongue. taste I taste with my tongue. Let’s learn I have two ears. hear I hear with my ears. What do you hear I hear a/an_____. Let’s learn I have two hands. touch I touch with my hands. Let’s learn smell taste see touch hear smell see taste hear touch Let’s learn What is this It’s a ruler. What is this It’s an eraser. Let’s fill I ____ flowers. see Let’s fill I _____ the flower. smell Let’s fill I ____ the ice cream. taste Let’s fill I _____ the music. hear Let’s fill I _____ the book. touch Look and think What are they doing with the fruit What fruit do you see Listen and do See some fruit, Touch and feel. Taste an apple, Hear the sound. Take an orange, Smell the peel. Listen and fill ____ some fruit, _____ and feel. _____ an apple, _____ the sound. Take an orange, _____ the peel. See Touch Taste Hear Smell Let’s match Touch and feel See some fruit Hear the sound Taste an apple Smell the peel Sum-up Homework 1 能够听、说、认读Let’s learn中的单词,并能达到默写的程度。 2 给家人熟读Listen and do中的句子。 3 预习Read and write中的课文。 https://www.21cnjy.com/recruitment/home/fine