ID: 22593133

内蒙古赤峰市2025届高三下学期3月二模试题 英语 (PDF版含答案,无听力音频有 听力原文)

日期:2025-03-25 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:25次 大小:3510587B 来源:二一课件通
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秘密★启用前 21.Which roof promotes the number of bees 赤峰市高三年级3·20模拟考试试题 A.Green Roof at WWF Headquarters. B.Flying High at the Fairmont in Canada. 英语 2025.3 C.Bird's-eye View of Vancouver,Canada. D.Top-floor Forest School in the UK. 注意事项: 1,本试卷分笔试和听力两部分。考生先作答笔试部分(21小题开始),然后作答听力 22.The plants on the Vancouver Convention Centre roof are watered by 部分(120小题)。答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名和考生号埔写清楚,将条形码 A.Natural spring water. B.Honey-enriched water. 准确粘贴在相应位置。本试卷满分150分。 C.Collected rainwater. D.Recycled wastewater. 2.考生将笔试部分答案写在英语笔试答题卡上,听力部分答案写在英语听力答题卡上。 写在试卷上无效。 23.What is unique to the top-floor forest at RISC compared with others 笔试部分 A.It offers biology classes to visiting students. 一、阅读(共两节,满分50分) B.It takes advantages of rainwater to keep plants. 第一节(共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37,5分) C.It serves for purpose of environmental education. 阅读下列短文,从每恩所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项, D.It supplies for more species of animals and plants. A While a green roof may seem like a simple action,there are so many benefits.These eco-friendly features not only enhance urban landscapes but also address critical environmental A Munich art museum worker has been fired for adding one of his own drawings to issues..From reducing energy cost5 s to creating babitats for pollinators(授粉昆虫),green roofs the collection without permission,which occurred in February. are a powerful tool for sustainable urban development The Pinakothek der Moderne showcases art by Salvador Dali,Pablo Picasso,Nam Green Roof at WWF Headquarters June Paik and Max Emst,among many others.The uninvited artist is not named in news The WWF headquarters in Washington D.C.features a 23,000 m2 green roof with 53.000 accounts;the managers want to discourage others trying the same thing,unless,of course, plants,reducing stormwater runoff by 3 million liters annually-equivalent to an Olympic pool. they're Banksy.We know only that the unauthorized artwork was 23 by 47 inches. The roof supports 1I plant species and attracts dragonflies and many other insects,promoting Museums and galleries have limited space and budgets.and often display what they biodiversiry and sustainable urban design. Flying High at the Fairmont in Canada know people want to see."Sometimes it can feel like it's the same 25 artists always being The Fairmont Royal York botel in Toronto has a rooftop bee farm with 450,000 bees and exhibited in museums,"Clara Lieu,a former Rhode Island School of Design professor,told six queen bees.The hives help tackle Colony Collapse Disorder,a phenomenon affecting us."I laughed softly when I saw this story,"she added."It's an exhibition opportunity that honeybee populations in North America.By collaborating with local beekeepers,the hotel has never crossed my mind." supports environmental health and community engagement Neverthel ... ...

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