ID: 22598303

Unit 4 Have fun after class Wrap-up time & Assessment time)学习任务单+课后练习(含答案)

日期:2025-03-28 科目:英语 类型:小学学案 查看:40次 大小:1569807B 来源:二一课件通
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    学习任务单 课程基本信息 学科 英语 年级 三年级 学期 春季 课题 Unit 4 Have fun after class (Wrap-up time & Assessment time) 教科书 书名:《英语》教材三年级下册 -出卷网-:译林-出卷网- 出版日期:2024年12月 学习目标 复习本单元学习内容,掌握描述位置与谈论课余生活的相关语言。 在看、听、说的活动中熟练使用单元核心语言谈论课余生活,体会课余生活的乐趣。 通过制订和展示课后活动计划,培养时间管理和活动规划的能力。 采用自评和互评等多种评价方式评估学习成果,对Big question进行回答。 课前学习任务 复习Cartoon time和Story time。 2. 结合实际,思考“How do you have fun after class ”。 课上学习任务 【学习任务一】Let’s review 1. Review Cartoon time& Story time and chant. I ask and you answer where they are. 【学习任务二】Listen, match and say 1. Guess the children’s plans, listen, match and act. 2. Talk about Su Yang’s and Mr Green’s plans with the pictures. 【学习任务三】Brainstorm and think 1. Say phrases about after-class activities within 15 seconds. 2. Think what you want to do after class and talk about the reasons. 【学习任务四】Think and make Make a plan about your after-class activities and share it with your classmates. 【学习任务五】Think and share Think how you have fun after class and why you have fun after class. 推荐的学习资源 教学光盘(Wrap-up time中 A Listen and match录音)作业练习 课程基本信息 学科 英语 年级 三年级 学期 春季 课题 Unit 4 Have fun after class (Wrap-up time & Assessment time) 教科书 书名:《英语》教材三年级下册 -出卷网-:译林-出卷网- 出版日期:2024年12月 作业练习 Must do (必做) Polish your plan and share it with your friends. 完善你的课后活动计划,和朋友分享吧。 Choose to do (选做) Read a picture book about after-class activities. 读一本关于课后活动的绘本。 练习答案 Must do (必做) Polish your plan and share it with your friends. 完善你的课后活动计划,和朋友分享吧。 Choose to do (选做) Read a picture book about after-class activities. 读一本关于课后活动的绘本。 略。 Let's have fun after class.This is my plan. I want to draw in the school garden.I want to sing in the music room.I want to read books in the classroom. Do you like my plan? My after-class activities Draw in the school garden. Sing in the music room. Read books in the classroom.

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