课件网) Unit 3 Learning Better 小学PEP人教版三年级下册 Part B Let's learn & Listen and do Part B How do our senses help us learn 1.在看、听、说的活动中, 学习五个感官词 “see”, “smell”, “taste”, “touch” 和 “hear” (学习理解) 2.通过chant练习句型, 在Group Work中能用 “I hear the sound.” “I smell the orange.”等句型表达对物体的感知。(应用实践) 3.通过探索我们的感官, 能够创造性地用不同方式表达不同物体给人的感知。(迁移创新) 学习目标 Watch the video Watch the video Five senses Watch the video Five senses What’s this song about Think and say What’s this Think and say What else can you know about this apple What does the girl/boy do Look and Choose smell taste see touch hear Let’s learn What’s this Flower. I see a flower. Let’s learn see 看到 I have two _____. I see with them. eyes Point to your eyes. Say ‘see’ ‘see’ ‘see’. Let’s learn What’s this Flower. I smell the flower. Let’s learn smell 闻 I have one _____. I smell with it. nose Point to your nose. Say ‘smell’ ‘smell’ ‘smell’. Let’s learn What’s this Ice cream. I taste the ice cream. Let’s learn taste 尝 I have one _____. I taste with it. tongue Point to your tongue. Say ‘taste’ ‘taste’ ‘taste’. Let’s learn What’s this A song. I hear a song. Let’s learn hear 听 I have two _____. I hear with them. ears Point to your ears. Say ‘hear’ ‘hear’ ‘hear’. Let’s learn What’s this A book. I touch a book. Let’s learn touch 触摸 I have two _____. I touch with them. hands Wave your hands. Say ‘touch’ ‘touch’ ‘touch’. Let’s learn smell taste see touch hear Game Time. hear see Game Time. touch smell Game Time. taste touch Look and see smell taste see touch hear Look amd say What fruit do you see What are the boy and the girl doing with the fruit Listen and do Listen and do. See some fruit, Touch and feel. Taste an apple, Hear the sound. Take an orange, Smell the peel. Game Time 全班分为四个小组, 每小组请一名学生轮流上台当“小老师”。“小老师”说出指令, 全体学生根据指令做出相应的动作。动作正确且最迅速的小组获得积分。 Fill in the blanks. See some _____, _____ and feel. _____an apple, _____ the sound. Take an orange, _____ the peel. fruit Touch Taste Hear Smell Part B Exercises 根据提示, 补全单词。 a e o e 根据图片判断句子正(T) 误(F) 。 ( ) 1. I see a girl. ( ) 4. I touch the face. ( ) 2. I taste an apple. ( ) 5. I smell the flower. ( ) 3. I hear the bird. F F T T T Summary Words: see, smell, taste, hear, touch Key sentences: See some fruit, touch and feel. Taste an apple, hear the sound. Take an orange, smell the peel. Homework 03 拓展作业 预习Read and write中的课文。 基础作业 听单词录音并跟读3遍, 注意模仿 语音、语调。 01 提升作业 熟读Listen and do中的句子 02 See You! ... ...