ID: 22614982


日期:2025-03-29 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:56次 大小:758859B 来源:二一课件通
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试卷类型:入 Ⅱ.所填馆息(共5小题,计10分) We时pt7处,dhen可 本题你将所到一段独白,读两追。请根据丝白内容,用所所到的馏息完成下环格【每空 We 2024~2025学年度第二学期课后综合作业(一) eo.0rin2cpn(问养员)3 to us.They alvaps belp un Ya Ke and I ofen 不超过三个单词,》 0 oao.Im6与地oa 16.Liu Yang is my rood B.chumites D.Esmily 七年级英语(人教版) 17 He sl to hool 32A.a B.five C. in the moming and 33.A.same B.ed C. D.ffereet 老生注童:本试数共6页,满分120分,时同120分钟。 D.山e and uefu. 4,A.0超 日.nt 35.A-0u B.Him C them D.Un 总分 36.A.busr B.elean C.eute D.big 第二部分(笔试共90分) 37A.have B.make 得分 8.A.n B.Omre C fped D.snimal ■,完形填空(共20小通.计20分。将符合题童的答案序号州写在以下客题华中的棉贮凭】 39.A.kind B.biind C.tall D.sarr 40.九Se B里- C Follo D.Kill 第一部分(听力共30分) 题号212223 24 25 262728 290 区 县 V.阅读理架〔共5小觅,计边分,那将将合厚能的常案序号埔写在以下答更生中的相应位置,) 答案 题号414245445464489051525分455 L听选答案(共15小题.计20分。请将符合题童的答案序号填写在以下答题栏中的相应位置,】 蓝号引 32 33 14 35 36 3738 39 学校 题号1234567891011213145 答案 答案 节:阅该下面短文,按丽句子结构的语法性和上下文益贸的要求,从各小因阶选项 Welcome e school musie show on Mar边1Sh 算一节:听下面10段对话,每段对话后右一个间画,读两通。谱根据年段对话的内容和后 中出 使短文连蓝完整。(共10小,计10分) Here are the things yo need to knev. 班 面的网题,从所给的三个壶项中选出问断的正确答案。(共10小题。计10分】 ya可ned She often 2 me about her family rules.She also bus sem ehool 8:00-10:00 Gel a thour curd at the Studeat Center. R Kate's fiend C.Kate's uncle. 17:00-17:45 Take your show curd and get in the te 2.A.In the dining hall. B.In the classroom. C.[n the libr町 At h hhry esks her to g甲量6:30.Thehemu 22 he bed. 18:00-0:00 Waseh the thov可c四6 musicians音乐家) she hes to elean all of the 23 3.A.Boring. in the kitchen.Her parents was bteep Rules= B.Fun. 场 C.Be好 24 kitchen clean.At school nights,she can't po out. Doo't be lale.or woa ct in 4 A Fish R Cau C.Do At school,Sally can't be Inte for sehool.She must be 25 e everr d山T,nd.he Deet talk during the shov. 5.A.To Nev York B.To London C.To Paris 25 Den't walk or run in the hall during the thou. 考号 6.A.On Sunday cftemoon 且.0 n Saturday moming C.On Siturdsy aflernon to wear the scbool uniforms on school days.Sbe can't eat in the classroom, 27 由项caa Don't take photos or rideos diaring the thou. 7.A.Happy. B.Sad C.Tieed. in te d.ning hall.She often eats with 28 pood friends.After elass.she does ber in Don't bring uriet or foed bo the shou. 8.A.She is quiet. B.She is kind. C.She is strict he.Students mus talk 2 41 20 good student.So ve wust follow the seboel mles and mlea C.Au18:00 D.A7:30 姓名 B.Because the写are smart Ther R lL C think D thinks C.Becouse the时aehn可 Teacher C.Pa C.orde 10.A.PE 43.Which migh(可能)we see in the maie ha D dish 第二节:听下面两段材料,包括 一篮独白和一段对话,每段材料后有几道小题。请据材料的 24.A 产 内容。从题目所给的三个 ... ...

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