ID: 22635416


日期:2025-03-31 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:82次 大小:1120097B 来源:二一课件通
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九年级单元学习评价检测 二、完形填空.(1625小题,每小题1.分,满分10分) One day I was in the hospital waiting room.I looked around at the other patients while waiting to see 英语试题 the doctor.It seemed totally16there at that moment.All of them were staring at therr cell phones.The receptionist()worked on her computer.Behind her,the clerk was examining papers.17 was in 温馨提示: their own little world.I'd probably be busy with my cell phone,too-if I hadn't 18 to charge (it 1.本试卷共8页,满分120分,考议用时120分钟。 aoT before I left home.It would have been nice to start a conversation with other people to pass the waiting time. 2请将答案珠涂线书写在各题卡的指定位置上, . 19.I sat alone patiently in my plastic chair.My examination went well.I got into my htle car and 一、听力选择(115题,每小题1分,满分15分) tumed the key in the ignition(点火开关.Nothing..Not aga.I reached for my cell phone.20_,like my 第一节根据你所听到的内容,选出相应的图片,完成1一5小照。 car.I went inside to make a call,but no one was at the reception desk.I 2]the people in the waiting room."I wouldn't normally do this,but my car won't start...I sad. BOOK STORE The nurse put her head into the room."You're in trouble,Roberta "she said kindly."I will get my jumper cables(电缆).”Just as she said that,.the receptionist_22,"I've got a new battery电池).You can use my car for the jump. "Or try23"the clerk said,looking out of the window."That's your car,right " A few patients got up to see.I followed the nurse.the receptionist and the clerk outside.AsI passed through the door,I looked back and saw that every plastie chair inside had24Aline of people followed me to my patient who used to be an engineer found the problem:It was the battery temminal that was loose).When the engineer gave an OK gesture,I tried to tum the key...Suddenly,the crowd 25 for my car got started again.I backed my car out of the space.then stopped to wave at them who'd saved the day. 第二节根据所听到的内容,判断下列句子是否符合你听的对话内容,符合的用“T”表示,不符台的用“” 16.A.quiet B:noisy C.clean D.dirty 表示。 17.A.No one B.Anyone C.Someone D.Everyone 6.Frank has just returned from China. 18.A.supposed B.planned C.forgotten D.regretted 7.Susan thought Frank went to China to learn Chinese. 19.A.Instead B.Also C.Besides D.Again 8.Frank stayed in China for four weeks. 20.A.Useless B.Direct C.Lively D:Dead 9.The weather is hot in summer and cold winterin Beijing. 21.A.looked after B.tumed to C.called up D.listened to 22.A.left B.prevented C.returned 10.Susan hopes to go to China this winter. D.judged B.minc C.yours D.yourself 你会听到五个人谈论话题。从A到E的观点中,为每个说话者选择表达个人观点的字母,每个学母只 24.A.filled B.emptied C.covered D.stood 用一遍。 25.A.praiscd B.thanked C.shouted D.cheered 11.Speaker I A.Roujiamo is a kind of traditional food in Shaanx:Province. 二、阅读理解(2640小题,每小题2分,满分30分). 12.Speaker 2 B.Laba porridge is full of Chinese people's good wishes f ... ...

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