传统节日介绍 介绍节日经历-记叙文 一、审题定调 本写作任务要求记述一次自己的节日经历,属于记叙文。在介绍节日经历时,可以按照时间顺序或事件发展的顺序对节日经历或庆祝活动展开叙述。 二、谋篇布局 第一部分:节日名称/时间+节日地位 第二部分:具体叙述节日的活动+自己的经历; 第三部分:总结节日经历+表明感受。 注意事项 1.标题:如有标题,标题一定要明确,能点明事件或主题。 2.人称:通常用第一人称和第三人称。 3.时态:在叙事过程中,一般用过去时态。在描写背景时,常用过去进行时,这样显得更加生动形象。 具体表达 P1:节日名称/时间+节日地位 作为中国最受欢迎的传统节日之一,春节是在农历的1月1日。 表达一:As one of the most popular traditional festivals in China, the Spring Festival is on the first day of the first month of the lunar calendar. 表达二:Spring Festival is one of the most popular traditional festivals in China. It is on the first day of the first lunar month. P2:具体叙述节日的活动+自己的经历 I still remember how my family celebrated the ...(节日) last year. eg: 我仍然记得我的家人去年是如何庆祝春节的。 积累各种节日的庆祝活动 (1) the Spring Festival (春节) ① Before the festival, we pasted the couplets together. 我们在新年前贴对联。 ② On the Lunar New Year' s Eve, we enjoyed dinner together. 在农历除夕,我们一起享受晚餐。 ③ On the early morning of the Lunar New Year, I got lucky money from my parents, and then I went to visit my relatives with them. 农历新年的一大早,我从父母那里得到了压岁钱,然后我和他们一起去看望亲戚。 补充: 拜年 pay a New Year visit 看春晚 watch/enjoy the Spring Festival Gala 放烟花 set off fireworks 吃团圆饭 have/enjoy the family reunion dinner the Lantern Festival(元宵节) The traditional food for lantern festival is Tang Yuan with various stuffings. 元宵节的传统食物是汤圆和各种馅料。 ②People can see some wonderful folk performance, like Dragon Dance. 人们可以看到一些精彩的民间表演,比如舞龙。 补充:元宵 rice glue ball 舞龙/舞狮 lion/dragon dancing 猜灯谜 guess lantern riddles (3) Dragon Boat Festival (端午节) ① Before the festival, we made some delicious zongzi . 在节日之前,我们做一些美味的粽子。 ② On the day of the Dragon Boat Festival,we set out to watch dragon boat races. 端午节那天,我们出发去看龙舟比赛。 ③ People celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival in memory of Qu Yuan, who was a Chinese poet. 人们庆祝端午节是为了纪念中国诗人屈原。 补充:粽子 rice dumplings /zongzi 为了纪念.... in memory/honour of (4)the Qingming Festival/Tomb-Sweeping Day (清明节) ① On that day, we swept the tomb of our ancestors and offered them food and drinks. 在那天,我们打扫了祖先的坟墓,给他们提供食物和饮料。 ② We also burnt paper money to them. 我们还向他们烧钱。 ③ It is believed that our ancestors in heaven will receive the money. 人们相信我们在天堂的祖先会收到这笔钱。 补充:祭祀祖先 honour the ancestors 放风筝 fly kites 踏青 spring outings 吃青团 eat sweet green rice ball (5) the Mid-Autumn Festival (中秋节) ① On that day, I got together with my families and had a nice meal. 那天,我们和家人聚在一起,吃了一顿美餐。 ② After dinner, we enjoyed de ... ...
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