
Unit 4 What time do you go to school? Section B Self Check同步测试卷及答案

日期:2024-09-28 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:100次 大小:21771Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 4 What time do you go to school? - Section B & Self Check 一、翻译(单词短语翻译)(共23小题;共23分) 1. 一半,半数 ? 2. 晚于,过(时间);过去的 ? 3. 一刻钟;四分之一(n.) ? 4. 家庭作业 ? 5. 跑,奔 ? 6. 打扫,弄干净;干净的 ? 7. 生活,生命(pl.) ? 8. quickly ? 9. either ? 10. lot ? 11. sometimes ? 12. taste ? 13. walk ? 14. 大量、许多 ? 15. 散步 ? 16. 上床睡觉 ? 17. 需要 ? 18. 有时间做某事 ? 19. half an hour ? 20. either...or... ? 21. go home ? 22. have a good job ? 23. make breakfast for me ? 二、翻译(根据中文提示完成句子)(共8小题;共8分) 24. 现在太晚了,让我们回家吧。 It's ? ? now. Let's ? ?. 25. 我的弟弟在下午做家庭作业。 My brother ? ? ? in the afternoon. 26. 你是什么时候到达上海的? When did you ? ? Shanghai? 27. 我经常骑自行车去上班。 I often ? ? ? by bike. 28. 这位老人很健康。他经常跑步和下国际象棋。 The old man is very healthy. He often ? and ? chess. 29. 他经常六点半起床,六点四十五洗澡。 He often ? ? at half past six and takes a shower at ? ? to seven. 30. -- 你通常何时看电视? -- 七点半。 -- ? do you ? watch TV? -- At ? ? seven. 31. 星期天刘浩要么看电视要么听周杰伦的歌。 Liu Hao ? ? TV ? listens to Jay Chow's songs on Sunday. 三、单词拼写(单句首字母填空)(共6小题;共6分) 32. The boy often r ? to school. 33. H ? of my classmates want to take a school trip. 34. The first thing for Tony after school is to do his h ?. 35. Tom, let me help you to c ? the room. 36. I usually take a w ? with my parents after dinner. 37. His mom and dad love him, so he has a happy l ?. 四、单词拼写(根据中文提示拼写单词)(共4小题;共4分) 38. I don't like this picture, and my friend doesn't like it, ?(也). 39. Mr. Brown always walks very ?(很快地). 40. The ice-cream ?(吃起来) good. 41. ?(有时) I go to the old people's home with my classmates. 五、适当形式填空(单句适当形式)(共5小题;共5分) 42. My grandmother has only four ?(tooth). 43. A good lifestyle can help you keep ?(health). 44. My brother likes to play ?(sport) after school. 45. What time ? your father ?(eat) lunch? 46. I often do ?(I) homework at seven in the evening. 六、单项选择(共10小题;共10分) 47. You can take ? of the two books and leave the other for me. A. both B. none C. either D. neither 48. What time does Jane ? after school? A. do her homework B. does her homework C. do his homework D. does his homework 49. The cake ? so nice! A. cooks B. eats C. sounds D. tastes 50. I either do my homework ? watch TV in the evening. A. and B. but C. or D. so 51. -- What time do you usually go to bed? -- At half ? ten. A. at B. on C. past D. in 52. I like to eat ice-cream. It tastes ?. A. well B. good C. clean D. funny 53. I ? at ten o'clock in the evening. A. have breakfast B. have lunch C. go to bed D. get up 54. My sister ? goes to bed early because she needs a lot of sleep every day. A. always B. sometimes C. hardly D. never 55. She often ? at twelve o'clock. A. eat lunch B. have lunch C. has lunch D. eats breakfast 56. -- What time is Jay's concert? -- It's ? three o'clock ? the afternoon. A. at; ... ...

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