
牛津上海版英语七年级下册教学课件:Module 1 Garden City and its neighbours Unit 1 Writing a travel guide(共38张PPT)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:40次 大小:22871625Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件38张PPT。黄浦区教育学院附属中山学校 授课班级:七( 6)班 授课教师:孙雯洁7B U1 Writing a travel guideBrazil(巴西)A Travel GuideThe Amazon The Amazon is in the north of Brazil. It’s one of the longest rivers in the world. It’s famous for the original forests(原始森林). It’s also known as ‘The world’s lung’(世界之肺). There are some floating restaurants and old buildings at the bank of the river. You can go to the Amazon by ship. If you go there, you will walk through the forests, go fishing and have a barbecue. I’m sure you’ll enjoy yourself.(亚马逊河) 1.Where is the Amazon? 2.What is it famous for? 3.What is it known as? 3.What’s at the bank of the river? 4.How can you get there? 5.What will you do if you go there? The Amazon is in the north-west of Brazil. It’s one of the longest rivers in the world. It’s famous for the original forests(原始森林). It’s also known as ‘The world’s lung’(世界之肺). There are some floating restaurants and old buildings at the bank of the river. You can get there by ship. If you go there, you will walk through the forests, go fishing and have a barbecue. I’m sure you’ll enjoy yourself.The Amazon1.Where is the Amazon? 2.What is it famous for? 3.What is it known as? 4.What’s at the bank of the river? 5.How can you get there? 6.What will you do if you go there? The Amazon is in the north-west of Brazil. It’s one of the longest rivers in the world. It’s famous for the original forests(原始森林). It’s also known as ‘The world’s lung’(世界之肺). There are some floating restaurants and old buildings at the bank of the river. You can get there by ship. If you go there, you will walk through the forests, go fishing and have a barbecue. I’m sure you’ll enjoy yourself.The AmazonB. Location (位置) A. Descriptions (描述)C. Activities D.Transportation (交通工具) Location DescriptionsTransportationActivities The Amazon is in the north-west of Brazil. It’s one of the longest rivers in the world. It’s famous for the original forests(原始森林). It’s also known as ‘The world’s lung’(世界之肺). There are some floating restaurants and old buildings at the bank of the river. You can get there by ship. If you go there, you will walk through the forests, go fishing and have a barbecue. I’m sure you’ll enjoy yourself.The Amazon Location The Bund is in the of Shanghai.centrein the south-east ofShanghai Wild Animal Park is of Shanghai.Century Park is in the east of Shanghai. The Amazon is in the north-west of Brazil. It’s one of the longest rivers in the world. It’s famous for the original forests(原始森林). It’s also known as ‘The world’s lung’(世界之肺). There are some floating restaurants and old buildings at the bank of the river. You can get there by ship. If you go there, you will walk through the forests, go fishing and have a barbecue. I’m sure you’ll enjoy yourself.The Amazon Location Descriptions The Amazon is in the north-west of Brazil. It’s one of the longe ... ...

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